detention can suck my ass

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First day of school was over! Thank the fucking gods from heaven. I mean first day didn't go exactly as I wanted it too.
I got into a fight on the first day?
I know I shouldn't have punched that guy in the face..but god dayum.

Matthew was a bit upset with me since I stood up for him. If I was him I would be happy that I saved his ass.
He said that he could have stood up for his self and yeah he probably could, but no one talks to my friends like that.

I walked out of my last class and jogged to my locker. I looked around me and thought about it.
"Maybe if I ran out of the building..I wouldn't have to go to detention!"
I was about to run out the building,
But right as I was about to run Rae walked over to me and pushed me the opposite direction.
"Dude! Come on let's leave." I said pushing back.
Rae was pretty strong...but I was still stronger. Haha.
"No. You have to go to detention today. If you don't go..your gonna be stuck in detention for the rest of the week. Trust me. I know how this school works." Rae smiled and pushed me into the room where detention was held.

No one was in there yet, watch no one show up. I will seriously laugh.
I sat down and put my back pack on the desk in front of me so that I could sneak my phone.

I walked away from the detention room and as I turned around I fell into Nash. Like literally. I fell on top of him.
"Woah woah!" Nash laughed.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." I laughed while blushing apologetically.
"Yeah I'm fine." Nash smiled and stood up as he picked his papers up from the ground.
"Haha I'm a clutz.." I said laughing.
"Nah it's okay. Walk to my locker with me?" Nash asked me.
"Yeah why not." I said as I follow Nash.

I waited 10 more minutes and then a girl with dark long hair walked into the room. Woah. I bit my lip a bit and put my hand through my hair.
She was pretty hot. She was wearing a pink tank top with some shorts and sandals.
She looked over at me and smiled a bit.

Then the teacher walked in.
"Detention will start in 5 minutes. I have to go get something from the b
Hallway." The girl and I nodded to what he said.

"Who are you?" The girl said checking me out a bit. She smirked.
"Cameron. Who are you?" I asked.
"Andrea." She smiled.
"So why are you in trouble Andrea?" I asked as I smiled a bit.
"Skipped math class, and they found me sleeping in the janitors closet." Andrea shrugged.
"Ooh you sound like a bad ass." I laughed.
"I am. I am. So why are you in trouble?" She asked me as she laid her head on the desk.
"I got in a fight with some stupid guy in homeroom." I laughed.
"Oh...your that guy." Andrea nodded.
"Who?" I ask being my curious self.
"The hot new bad boy. You and your friends are pretty popular." Andrea winked.

Hm..really? This was news to me.

The first day of school went okay I guess. I saw a couple of cute girls but none that really caught my eye.
Rae walked to my locker with me and then we met up with the guys, and walked home.

We all talked about our day and how our classes were and blah blah.
We all have science together so that was pretty awesome.
"Dude whys it so hot out?" I said.
"Cause I'm here." Jack G winked.
Then..being the tool that jack g is. He ripped off his shirt.

Rae didn't seem to really care. She looked kind of annoyed and rolled her eyes. I guess she thought he was kind of a fuck boy..well yeah she was pretty correct. I love jack g but for a girl..I mean I don't want Rae to get hurt, or alex. He does that a lot.

We got to the house a couple of
Minutes later and we walked into our house while Rae walked into hers with alex. We were all super tired and Rae seemed to be pissed about something. I walked into the house and threw my backpack onto the floor.

"I'll be back, I have to call my brother." I said as i ran upstairs with my phone. I walked into my bedroom and locked the door behind me. It was rare that I got any privacy because of all the guys.

My room was coming along, there was posters, a bed, a desk, my laptop, a tv, and some other stuff. My room was pretty nice as of now.

I dialed my brothers number into my phone and he soon picked up.
"Nash?" My brother asked.
"Yo Hayes." I smiled as I heard my brother through the phone.
"Hey, so can I visit you guys next week?
Mom and dad are going out of town for spring break and they asked me what I wanted to do and I want to go to California so bad." Hayes said sort of begging.
"Uh, yeah I don't see why you couldn't." I said.
"Coool man. Miss you." Hayes said.
"Miss you too poobear." I said while laughing a bit.

Then I went to sleep.

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