𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓗𝓸𝓶𝓮 {𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪}

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Prompt # 10

You walked into Aizawa's study taking a quick glance at the clock on the wall, 3 am. You walked over to your husband who was nose deep in some new article "Sho, come to bed, we haven't slept together in months." "Im busy, we can meet up for lunch tomorrow if you miss me that much." "Oh...ok."


You took a sip of your drink as you excitedly waited for your husband. When your phone buzzed you grabbed it hoping it was Aizawa saying he was on his way, but it wasn't, it was a text saying something came up at work and he can't get away. But promising you he'd bring home dinner tomorrow and the two of you could have the whole night to yourself. 


Aizawa set the take-out on the coffee table as you looked threw your shaved list for something to watch. The peaceful silence was cut off by his work phone going off.

Before he could you grabbed his "You said tonight I could have you all to myself." He gave you an apologetic frown "I know I did, but you know heroes are never really off duty. Ill make it quick, promise." You sighed "Fine." 

11 Am

2 Am

You looked at the clock that read 4AM before looking down at the now cold food. You sighed before heading to the bedroom, your to tired for this shit.


You leaned against the door to Aizawa's office "Shota...You still love me right?" Your husband chocked on his coffee as he stood to face you "Of course I do, what would make you ask such a dumb question like that?" You shrugged "Everything has seemed so one-sided lately." 

He walked over to you, pulling you into a hug "Im sorry..." "...Im going to bed, good night." "Ill join you when im done. Good night, I love you."


Aizawa opened the door to your shared apartment while trying to juggle flowers, take out, and a gift box "F/n! I left my work phone in the car and I was thinking we could watch that show you've been meaning to watch tonight, together!" Aizawa placed everything on the coffee table wondering why the apartment was so quiet "Y/n! Kinda late for a nap don't you think!?" 

He looked all around the apartment but you were nowhere to be found. His last stop was his office and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw divorce papers on his desk. After a minute he rushed over to find a note along with them,


                   I can't do this anymore, I love you and I have no dought in my mind that at one point you loved me too. But you've proven to me time and time against that you will choose your work over me every time and I can't be stand to be second in your heart for one more day. Your spare eye dropsake on ontop the refrigerator and your pain med are on the sink in the bathroom, take care of yourself Shota.

(Dont worry im safe, im staying with my brother)

Love, F/n Yamada


Aizawa was banging on the door of Mic's house so hard he thought he might bust it. The door swung open and there stood Hizashi Yamada in a robe and bonnet with a fast mask to top it off "Yo! Its 2 am some of us actually care about our beauty sleep!"

"Where is she!? I want to talk to her!" He tried to walk in but Mic pushed him back "She doesn't want to talk to you." "Yamada im not in the mood-" "You hurt her, you've been hurting her and im done with sitting back because she asked me to. Leave Aizawa or ill make you."



"Hizashi do you want katsudon or teriyaki for dinner tonight!?" When he didn't scream down the stairs you got a bit worried, realizing how quiet your normally noisy big brother was being. You rushed up the stairs and threw his study door open to find the more gruesome and grotesque murder scene that nothing could have repaired you for.

You fumbled out of the room losing your lunch in the hallways as you begin to sob. You were shaking as you dialed Aizawa's number, you don't know what to do but you do know he will.


You cried into Aizawa's chest, letting him hold you tight, as they wheeled your older brother's body out his own home in a body bag.

 "S-Shota I hate to ask after what I did but I cant stay in that house and I have nowhere else to go-" "You're welcomed in our home any time." 


(792 Words)

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4Where stories live. Discover now