𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽 {𝓐𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭}

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Your yandere finding out your pregnant  


♡Hes been waking up to you throwing your guts up every morning

♡He was worried and so he took you to Recovery Girl

♡After a bunch of test she comes to the conclusion, your pregnant! 

♡Aizawa doesn't seem all to existed in the clinic but the second you two are driving away hes going over baby names, how you two should decorate the nursery, what your quirks would make and so on

♡But that night a thought hits him, sure he wants this baby but do you?

♡He'll talk it over with you, and if you dont want this baby he'll understand and support you no matter how much it hurts him that you dont want to be a mom as much as he wants to be a dad

♡If you go threw with it you'll give birth to a baby boy, who is a carbon copy of his father 

{♡This man waited on your HAND AND FOOT during the whole pregnancy, and he is the most present and active father you will ever meet!} 


ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕄𝕚𝕔

♡Mic has sisters who have kids so he saw the sighs of pregnancy right away 

♡He buys 3 of those at home test and you take every single one a few days apart

♡All three read positive 

♡Hes over the moon! You two created something new! All the love he poured into you now he has something to show for it! 

♡Honestly hes to caught up in his own happy go luckiness to even consider how you feel, he'll assume you want this just as much as he does 

♡You give birth to a bouncing baby girl who Mic couldn't be happier is a perfect mix of him and you 

{♡You thought he was clingy before? HAH! This man wont leave your side till that baby is out of you and even then hes pre-recording radio shows skipping patrols having zoom classes just to be their to help with the baby}



♡Kurogiri brought it to both your attentions that you had been gaining a good amount of weight even tho hes only allowed to feed you very healthily, twice and compress back up his suspicion 

♡Kurogiri takes you to the doctor and finds he was correct, your gonna be a mother 

♡Shigaraki could care less if this is what you want, he never wanted kids but now that hes having one with you nothing can take this away from him 

♡As much as he'd like to keep this from 'Master' its inevitable he will find out so he tells him, while AFO already didn't like you for being a distraction and doesn't like the extra distraction he knows disposing of you both will only cause problems so he simply congratulates the two of you and reminded Shigaraki of the main picture aka defeating All Might  

♡You give birth to a baby boy, who unfortunately takes after his father in many ways 

{♡Not the most present dad but hey grandpa Kurogiri wont let you down and Shiggy is trying his hardest just give him a minute he'll get it eventually}


𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

♡He didn't notice until you told him you weren't feeling well

♡He couldn't bring you to the doctor in fear of you ratting him out so he has Nighteye, the man he trust with his life and secrets, to look into your future 

♡He sees a big swollen belly 

♡All Might is overjoyed, how could he not be. A family! His family! 

♡He tries to take more time off and be around more 

♡You give birth to a girl he names Nana 

{♡Not the most present dad but hes got the money to hire nannies and such so your not all on your own}


(636 Words)

Requested by: Luna_William

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4Where stories live. Discover now