𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹𝓮𝓻 {𝓡𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓽 𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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When your husband threw the door to his lab open you were half sure the damn thing was on fire "F/n come here! Hurry!" You grabbed your baby from tummy time and stepped cautiously into his cluttered workspace "I've never seen you this excited for a protect." 

He smiled, grabbing the blue trap covering whatever he wanted to show you "That's because this ones for us." He ripped the tarp off and a man stood on a charging port, it wasn't till he opened his eyes that you realized your husband wasn't messing you with. Bright glowing red eyes looked you over before his mouth opened "Hello Ms. Aizawa." 

"Shota what is it?" Smiling he took Hitoshi from your arms and handed him to the robot who immediately swattled and cradled him "Nannybot! You can go back to work and I can get back to working in the company's lab and neither of us has to worry about Hitoshi while that's happening! Nannybot has a live camera feed attached to his eye along with a bunch of other features!" 

You smiled with him, as weird as it was you'd never seen your husband this excited before.

♡16-Year Time Skip♡

"Hitoshi! Eri! Break-!" You stopped in the kitchen archway upon seeing Hizashi, what Hitoshi begin to call the Nannybot a while back and sorta just stuck, setting plates down in front your two children "Good morning F/n, I made your favorite." Smiling you sat "Thank you Nannybot, where's Shota?" "Sleeping, still." 

"Oh I better go wake him then, he has to get to the lap soon." 

As you and Aizawa were walking down the stairs you both heard Eri scream and began to rush back to the kitchen. When you two arrived Hitoshi was holding a crying Eri and Hizashi was holding his hands up repeating sorry over and over. You scooped Eri out of Hitoshi's arms as Aizawa went over to Hizashi "What happened?" "I was getting her out her seat and suddenly she began to scream, scan shows....broken arm." 

You shot up "Broken arm!? Hitoshi go get in the car were going to the hospital."


You and Hitoshi walked into the dark living room with a tired Eri, a whole day wasted at the hospital. 

When you entered the lights flickered back on and Shota did a grand gesture at a woman standing in the middle of the living room and again it took her opening her glowing eyes for you to realize she was a robot "Meet Nannybot 2.0!" 

"Nannybot 2.0? Shota what happened to Hizashi?" He pouted at you "He's 15 years old, out of date. I should have upgraded him years ago. This Nannybot is up to date! More features more fun!"

Eri rushed up to the woman who smiled down at her "Do you have a name like Hizashi?" The woman shook her head and Eri smiled "Can I name this one!? Please?" When Aizawa nodded Eri got even more excited "Your name is Kayama!" Her eyes closed and when they reopened a minute later Aizawa asked "What your name?" "Kayama."

"Wow." Aizawa couldn't stop smiling "I told you she had more features than Hizashi. Not only did I have better parts I have more experience. I know we're all attached to Hizashi but because he's so out of date he glitched and hurt Eri so I can't let him continue, what if next time is worse." You frowned "I know, but he's part of the family Shota please tell me you didn't throw him out or god forbid scarp him for parts."

Aizawa held his hand up "Im not heartless. Hizashi is in the home lab, he can be my helper until his system becomes completely obsolete." "And then?" Aizawa shrugged "Nothing I can really do for him after that." You frowned, he frowned, Hitoshi looked like he was about to be in tears. Of course he was, he's had Hizashi for as long as he can remember, you pulled him into a hug "It's gonna ok, bub."

♡3 weeks later♡

"Good morning Ms. Aizawa. Eri is in the playroom and Hitoshi is in his room with a friend." You nodded as you passed her at the door "Ms. Aizawa... I get the feeling you don't enjoy my presents." You gave her a smile "Dont be silly Kayama, im glad I have someone to help with the kids." After a moment she nodded and began walking off.


You woke up feeling strange, why had Kayama not woken you up yet Aizawa programmed her to be an alarm. Rolling over you found an empty bed, mhm Aizawa must have gotten up with Kayama and asked her not to wake you. It was your day off after all.

Walking to the kitchen you tripped over something, turning you found Kayama's arm sticking out of Aizawa's lab "Kayama, what's wrong?" You went over and grabbed her arm trying to help her up only for just her arm to come out the cracked open door. You freaked and dropped the disembodied arm.

You rushed into the kitchen and found Hizashi serving your children breakfast. You looked to Shinsou who looked like she saw a ghost 'HELP' he mouthed to you and after a second you noticed the blood all over Hizashi "H-Hizashi...wheres Shota, wheres Kayama." He gave you a smile "Aizawa said he couldn't upgrade me, so I did it myself....Im sure Kayama didn 't mind."

"Ok, but where is Shota." "He was in our way so I removed him." "In our way?" He was in front you within seconds, grabbing your hands and holding them tight "I love you F/n and I know you feel the same! And that's why Aizawa replaced me because he was scared of competition but it's ok he's gone now so we can be together! We can be a family now! He gestured to your terrified kids at the table and you nodded.

"Yeah, Hizashi we can be a family now. So im gonna take the kids to school and when I come back we can throw all Shota's shit out!" You pulled your hands from him "Come on kids, you cant be late-AH!"

Hizashi put his built-in taser away as you fell to the floor "Oh F/n, Shota programmed me to know lies in order to protect the kids. and you lied. Its ok though I know when the fear subsides you'll love me."


(1099 Words)

Im sick 😭

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4Where stories live. Discover now