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(In this, it is two years in the past. We wanted to put in our sorting ceremony but not make ourselves younger. This is just for fun by the way, and if the characters are not in the book, then they are real people in our lives. Even... Josh. In this, Alison and Lauren are cousins and Snape is their uncle (Their mothers are his sisters). Also I know it's not really that descriptive, as we assume you know what the Hogwarts characters look like. We will post the descriptions of all the characters you don't know from the series before we start the Prologue. We will also put comments of what we think of the chapter abefore every chapter. That's it? Well enjoy and this is purely for fun so try not to leave too many negative comments xD)

Character Descriptions:

Alison: 13 year old in Slytherin. A taller than average for her age, but not freakishly tall. Medium length, straight, layered auburn hair, with subtle blond streaks. Blue eyes. Her favourite classes are Charms, Defence Against The Dark Arts, and Transfiguration. She is the favorite student of Professor McGonagall even through she is not in her house.

Lauren: 13 year old in Slytherin. She is shorter then Alison and has long, layered strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes. Her favourite classes are Defense Against The Dark Arts and Charms. She is also the favourite student of Professor Lupin and has a lot of friends from the "muggle" world.

Josh: 15 year old in Hufflepuff. Has long brown hair and because of it he is constantly fixing his hair.

Cassie: 13 year old in Slytherin. Short brown hair and glasses.

Brendan: 13 year old in Hufflepuff. Asian.

Mimi: 13 year old in Gryffindor. A short Asian girl with glasses.

Tyson: 13 year old in Ravenclaw. Has jet black hair and ice blue eyes.

Robin: 16 year old in Ravenclaw. Has medium-length, carmel brown hair and deep brown eyes.

Desiree: 13 year old in Slytherin. Has average length brown hair and blue eyes.

Chapter Comments: Oh, Josh... In this chapter he makes quite an entrance. This chapter is actually a bit different from the other chapters, just because we wrote this chapter and then forgot about the story for a couple of months.


The train slowed to a halt, as two excited eleven-year-old girls gazed out the window with wide eyes and huge grins. On the platform, students were scattered everywhere.

"We're here!" They screamed uncontrollably. Then they sprung up from their seats, and looked around, to find everyone was staring at them.

"Ahem." Alison, the taller girl of the two, coughed.

"Well this is awkward" Lauren muttered as the two sat down again.

"WEEEEEEHEEEEEEE HOGWARTS!" They heard a familiar voice.

"Oh no." The girls thought. "Could it be? Great, it's... JOSH."

The Hufflepuff third year sprinted down the isle in his Hufflepuff cloak, his hands up in the air. Well, at least the attention was taken off of them. Josh sprinted towards the train door, as Professor Snape grabbed the collar of his cloak and yanked him back, causing Josh to come to a halt.

"And where... do you think you're going?" Snape questioned.

"Well, I want to go say hi to my friends!" Josh exclaimed.

"Stop it Josh. We all know you have no friends." Snape stated, letting Josh go.

Josh frowned while Alison and Lauren giggled quietly.

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