Tommy+Shroud Protective Services

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{{Philzas Pov}}
Techno went on to talk about Tommys situation. Jack didnt care and made it very obvious. Tommy was zoning out and slightly rocking in his chair.
"⏁⍀⟟⌖⏁⟟⋏" Tommy said, in enderman. Ranboo looked at him confused and Techno did too. Tommy just kept repeating it.
"What is he saying?!" Jack yelled, not breaking Tommy from his trance.
"Hes saying Trixtin." Ranboo and Techno said.
"Whos that?" Niki asked softly. She was always so kind and quiet.
"My wife, or Lady Death." I said. Jack and Niki Froze. Tommy started stomping his foot in a oddly specific pattern. After a while, DreamXD and Lady Death showed themselves. DreamXD was sitting on the table and Trixtin was standing behind me.

{{Tommys Pov}}
They had intentions. They were here for a reason. I couldn't figure out why though.
"Tommy please leave the room." Trixtin said. I listened and walked out of the door to the room and just stood there because Techno said to stay where he can hear me scream. Its cold. The ice is cold. My wings arent helping. Ugh. I hate this.
"Tommy! You can come back now!" Phil yelled.
I walked back into the room to see Niki crying, Jack nearly crying, and Techno and Phil with concerned looks.
"What happened?" I asked, slightly shivering from the cold.
"Trixten told us some.. Upsetting news." Techno said.
"What was the news?" I aksed obviously curious on what the gods said.
"Its about Shroud. Dream kidnapped him last night." Phil said softly.
I screamed. My child has been taken. I broke down shaking and crying. Mumza hugged me. Phil and Niki tried to comfort me. Everything started to go black and their voices slowly turned into a painful ringing, then I passed out.


{{Technos Pov}}
Its been about 3 hours since Tommy passed out. Phil is seeing red and trying to find the homeless teletubby. Mumza and DreamXD are talking to Foolish, Karl, George, and Puffy. Jack and Niki are trying to find Eret and Wilbur, Eret to recruit and Wilbur to interrogate. Wilbur is a great suspect since he basically worships Dream like a some sort of god and could of told him that Tommy now has a weakness.
From behind me I hear groaning. Tommy had woken up. He stretched and sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning Toms."
{{Georgenotfounds POV}}
Jesus why doesnt Technoblades have to be so far away. Im also fucking cold. I hate the snow. Im only doing this because Dream is a piece of shit asshole. He betrayed me. He betrayed Sapnap for fucks sake! Sapnap has been with him since fucking day one and that still didnt stop him from leaving him behind in the dust. Stupid.

Finally after a few minutes of walking I reached Technos house. I walked through the gate and Technoblade came running outside, with an axe in his hand.
"What do you want?" He said low and kinda intimidating.
"I heard about what happened and I want to help." I said sternly, but of course not to stern other wise Techno would probably kill me.
"You of all people would want to go against Dream?" Technoblade questioned rather confused but still hella intimidating.
"I know what Dream has done to Tommy. I dont think it is fair. Besides he left me for fucking Fundy." I stated, getting annoyed at the thought. Dream is a horrible person. He always has been. Technoblade led me inside the house that had always seemed so cozy from the outside, now being in the inside it has a slightly unwelcoming feeling coming from a particular corner in the room. I turn around to see Tommy basically death staring me.
"Toms he is here to help. Stop stsring at him like that." Techno said from the kitchen.
"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST ONE OF DREAMS 'BESTFRIENDS'?!" Tommy yelled and pulled out his axe.
"Well for starters I know where Dream is hiding. Also I hate him as much as you do Tommy." I said. Tommy didnt look like he was buying what i was saying.
"You dont know what its like to be tortured and killed by him. You dont hate him as much as I do. HE TOOK MY FUCKING SON GEORGENOTFOUND!!" Tommy yelled more, "ALSO AFTER HE ESCAPED PRISON HE WENT STRAIGHT TO PUNZ SO HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS?!"
The more he yelled the more his hair turned red and his wings spread. Technoblade grabbed Tommy and held onto him tight. Tommy squirmed and screamed trying to get away from the obviously stronger person.
"TOMMY! CALM DOWN GOD DAMMIT!!" Techno yelled seeming to alert someone because there were three sets of footsteps coming up the stairs outside. Ranboo, Philza, and Tubbo walked inside, shocked at the scene.
Ranboo teleported somewhere while Tubbo and Phil escorted me outside. About 30 minutes later Techno walked outside sweating a bit even though it was cold than a witches tit out here.
"Im sorry for Tommys mental breakdown in there. Hes just going through a lot and trusting people isnt easy for him anymore. Weve calmed him down enough so you can come back in." Techno said. Its weird seeing the blade so gentle yet intimidating. Normally hes just intimidating.
When I walked inside Tommy was laying on the couch cocooned in a baby blue blanket with little planets and stars on it. Tommy was just staring into nothing with a blank expression.
"Tell us what you know please George." Ranboo said from a corner next to the couch. I start to explain where Dream is and how to get there. I drew them a map and helped plan how to get Shroud back without him getting hurt.

{{Technos pov}}

George has been a great help. Tommy wasnt happy about him helping us but he was happy that he has a chance of getting his son back. Now all we need to do is inform Niki and Jack, plus a few others like Sam and Sapnap, and put this plan into action.

AAAAAAH IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO FUCKING LONG!! Ive been struggling with my mental health and didnt have motivation to write so Im so fucking glad you guys got to enjoy this long ass chapter lmao

Dadnoblade (tommy as technos kid)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora