The Nether

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{{Tommys pov}}
Recently Ive been getting more and more drawn to the nether. I dont know why and whenever I try to ask Techno or Phil they are always busy. So me and Shroud will take walks to the nether and just sit at my old screaming station. Heh.. Its weird to think that I was standing in the same spot where I used to scream out "all" of my pain, with my now son a year later. Shroud sat in my lap as we watched the mobs in the nether just live their lives. He would often ask what a mob was and Id explain it to him.
But of course, happy moments dont last forever. I heard someone walking around behind us. Shroud seemed to hear it too because he turned around and stared intensely at the gap in the wall behind us. Captain Puffy popped her head out from behind the wall.
"Sorry guys! I didnt mean to startle you!" Puffy said walking over to sit next to us.
"Its okay Puffy." I responded as Shroud leaned away from her, gripping onto me tight.
"Whose this little guy? Hes so cute!" Puffy asked as she finally noticed Shroud and tried to grab him, but he smacked her hand and pushed it away.
"This is my son, Shroud. He doesn't do well with strangers." I answered, hugging Shroud so maybe he'd stop digging his nails into my side. It worked, thankfully.
"Oh.. Uhm.. Arent you too young to have a child?.." Puffy was questioning my parenting skills since Im only 17 but I wasnt to young and I told her that. Ranboo and Tubbo have a child so why cant I? Puffy said it was because they have each other.
I stoop up, still holding Shroud, and started walking back home. I was not going to deal with Puffys discrimination. Shroud had fallen asleep by the time we got home which wasnt a long walk but i guess he was comfortable enough to fall asleep.
When we got home I put him down in his bed and went to go make myself food because I was hungry.

{{Technos pov}}

Its late, like 1am kinda late when I hear the front door open and close. But it was from the inside to outside. Someone was leaving. I went downstairs and went outside to see Tommy, sleep walking. Tommy was sleep walking to the nether. He had his wings spread out and he seemed to be in high alert. I followed behind him and observed his mannerisms. His hair was a bit more red/pink than it normally is. He walked through the nether portal while looking at me. It was creepy tbh. Still I followed him into the nether. He kinda reminded me of Ranboo when he enderwalks but more piglin. Focusing back on Tommy, he was just standing on a ledge looking into the lava. He turned around, staring me dead in the eyes and fell.
"TOMMY!!" I screamed as my son fell into the lava, slowly sinking but not dying. He wasnt dying. After a few minutes of me just staring into the lava, Tommys head popped up out of the lava as he started to swim towards the nearest land.
I ran down to Tommy and as soon as he got on land I just held him. I knew he wasnt awake and wouldn't remember this but I held him like baby and just sat. Tommys body went kinda limp so I knew he was asleep.
I walked home still holding Tommy. When we got home Phil was pacing around the living room, seemingly worried.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO?!" Phil yelled and Tommy started squirming.
"Shhhhhh! Tommy is asleep!" I whisper yelled as Tommy stopped moving.
"Im sorry mate its just i heard you guys leave and-" Phil was cut off by the increasing sound of footsteps on the porch. Phil looked out the window and looked at me with horror on his face.

Hehehe Hello nerds! I left you on a cliffhanger because why not.

Dadnoblade (tommy as technos kid)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin