Did you kidnap that child?

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{Technos pov}
Todays been pretty boring. Tommys been gone all day and phil went to go hang out with wilbur so ive just been training and tending to the animals and potatos. Ranboo stopped by earlier and gave me something. I havent opened it yet because ive been "busy". Reallyjust my ADHD trying to keep me busy or getting distracted by dumb shit.


Im trying to take a nap when I hear the back door open and close. I heard tommys footsteps enter the kitchen but there was another person with him walking into the living room. I got up to go downstairs and see who the hell was in my house.

When I got downstairs Tommy seen me and froze. I look at him confused and then into the living room where the other person was. I see a hybrid spider child sitting on the couch looking at me very confused.
"Tommy.. Did you kidnap this child?"
"Uhhhhh No i found him on my way home and so i decided to adopt him."
"Jeez Tommy you cant just adopt a child."
"THATS NOT TRUE! Phil just adopted you and you just adopted Ranboo!"
"I- God damnit. Fine. Whats his name?"
"Mhm! I named him because he didnt have a name."
Tommy walked over to "Shroud" and gave him some food. Shroud whispered something to Tommy and then pointed at me with one of his legs.
"Shroud thats your grandpa Technoblade! You can just call me Techno though."
Shroud smiles at me. He reminds me of Tommy from when he was a kid. Tommy also smiles at me and then asks if Phil is coming home today. I say probably not. Wilbur Bursts through the door and looks around at the three of us before running upstairs. I follow him, obviously not running though. I hear his bedroom door slam shut. As i got closer to his room i heard him talking to someone or something. I then hear a second voice and recognize it immediately. This dumbfuck snuck Quakity into the house. I open the door and just stand there for a moment like a creep but whatever. Quakity notices me and stops responding to Wilbur. Wilbur gets confused and turns around. He screamed. I chuckled a bit before closing the door and going back downstairs.

AAAAAAAAAAH HELLO! Hope you enjoyed this chapter kinda chaotic but whatever!

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