Sidekick (Mt. Lady x nb reader)

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A/n: hi everyone, I just wanna say how I am so extremely sorry for not updating. I've been super busy with school work, and my parents are also fighting over custody over me. So I haven't really had that much time to write. I hope you all understand!! Please enjoy.

"Sidekicks are only the backup plan."

"You're nothing but a stupid side piece to make the hero look better."

"Ew you're a sidekick? You definitely aren't going to make it in life."

"Why be a sidekick when you could be a hero instead?"

Those were things that almost everyone you came across told you. Every single time, it was always something along those lines.

But if you were being honest, you didn't really care that much.

You enjoyed being a sidekick, no matter what others thought of you. You knew that you could never be an actual hero, having to deal with all of the constant paparazzi bursting into your personal life. But one thing you did know, is that you loved saving people and putting a smile on their faces.

So, you decided to pursue a career as a sidekick. Not quite a hero, but it was close.

Of course others looked down upon your choice, but who cares? You loved your job, and that's all that really matters.

You did have to admit though, you did have a small crush on the hero your working with.

Who could blame you, almost everyone does.

You were working with none other than Mt Lady, the number 23 hero. While working alongside her, you began to grow feelings on her. But you never acted on them, because you knew that out of everyone she could have, she definitely would not choose you.

Not only that, but a hero and a sidekick having any romantic bonds is highly unprofessional.

So you pushed your feelings down, trying your best to ignore them.

You were currently on a mission with her right now, taking down some low life thug who thinks that he's some high class villain when he obviously isn't.

"Hey (sidekick name!) Quit spacing out and help!" Mt lady snapped you out of your thoughts, sending you a look of urgency. 

"Right!" You called out. Your quirk allowed to to have abilities of that of a spiders. You could shoot webs out of your wrists and swing from them. You could also climb on walls, just like a spider could. (A/n: guys we are literally spiderman)

The thug you were up against had a similar quirk to Mt Ladys, he could change his size from big to small. Him and her were currently both in their giant forms, fighting head on. He had robbed a bank, and she had caught him in the act.

You quickly shot your webs out and latched onto the criminal, swinging around him. Your goal was to completely cover him in web, leaving him trapped and unable to move.

Mt Lady watched you in awe, admiring you and your skills. She too, had gained some feelings from working alongside you. She knew that it was inappropriate to form a relationship with her sidekick, but she didn't care. She'd shoot her shot, and she knew that she was going to have you.

"Thats my (y/n)." She muttered under her breath to where nobody could hear her.

Eventually, you had covered the thug head to toe in web. He had attempted to morph into a smaller size, but Mt Lady grabbed him and knocked him out first. While knocked out, he automatically changed back into his normal size. Mt Lady did too, and she held him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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