Join us (Himiko Toga x nb reader)

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It was a rainy day, and you were walking home from school

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It was a rainy day, and you were walking home from school. You recently saw on the news that the so called 'League of Villains' had attacked u.a high, and for some reason you were intrigued? You never really had any interests in villains or heros, until this moment. The main person on the news that stood out to you the most, was a blonde girl with her hair out up as buns. She was, how do you describe it....intriguing.

Suddenly, you felt yourself get pulled into an alleyway. A hand was rushed over your mouth, shushing you from screaming. "Shhhh." A raspy voice mumbled. You thrashed around, hoping someone would see you. After awhile, you finally calmed down. You felt the hand get taken off, but it grabbed your wrist. "We've seen what you can do. Aren't you (y/n) (l/n) from (school name), right? You've done some pretty powerful things." The raspy voice said again.

"I'm s-sorry but, who a-are you?" You squeaked. "I will not tell you my personal information until further notice. You didn't answer my question, are you (y/n) (l/n)?" The voice said. As you turned to face him, you noticed he had icey blue eyes, black hair, and burn marks that went down his whole body. He had a white shirt on, and a black leather jacket. "Y-yes." You mumbled. "Alright. I'm from the League of Villains, and I am going to make you an offer. The boss wants you to join, and he is allowing me to take you to the hideout. Follow me."

As the man started walking, for some reason, you followed him? He wasn't even grabbing your hand anymore, so you were following him on your own. So why were you so tempted to follow him?

All your life, your parents taught you to never follow strangers, so why were you so tempted as if something good was going to happen?


As you followed the burnt man, he took you to a place that looked like an abandoned bar. "Shiggy, I got them. Surprisingly they were a lot more calm than I expected." He said as we walked inside the bar. "Good. So (l/n), do you know why your here?" A man than had bright-blue hair with hands all over him asked. He was very crusty.

"Yes, at least I think so." You mumbled. "Oooooh, can we keep them Shiggy? Can we? Can we? They are so cute!" A girl giggled from across the room. You turned your head to face her. She had blonde hair put up in buns, bright yellow eyes that reminded you of a cat, and a school girl uniform. You had to admit, she was adorable.

"Toga, do not speak until this is settled. Anyways, I am the leader of the League of Villains, and I am asking for you to join us." The crusty hand man asked.

"Yeah, (y/n)! Join us!"

The girl with space buns giggled. "Toga, what did I tell you? Do not speak until this is settled!" Hand man growled. "Whatever..." The so called 'Toga' mumbled. Even just looking at her have you butterflies in your stomach.

I wonder why.

"Yes, I will join you." You answered. As long as I get to see Toga, I'm okay. "Yay!" Toga squealed, skipping over to you, and bringing you into a tight embrace. Your cheeks heated up as she hugged you. "Toga, what did I tell you about personal space?" The crusty man yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry! They were just so adorable that I couldn't resist! Anyways (y/n), your gonna love it here! Lemme introduce you to everyone. I'm Himiko Toga, the burnt chicken nugget over there is Dabi, the crusty hand man is Shigaraki, the lizard is Spinner, the guy in the black and white suit is Twice, and then that:s Mr. Compress and Magne!" Toga beamed. You nervously nodded your head. "Oh quick question, can I have some of your blood? No reason at all, just wondering." She asked.

You tilted your head. "Uhm, no?" You said, a bit concerned. "Aw, man! I'll find another way. Anyways, let me show you your room!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you into another room. "Do you like it, (y/n)? Do you? Do you?" Toga asked, jumping up and down. You looked around the room. It was empty and dirty, but it'll have to do. "Yes, Toga. I love it." You smiled. "You can call me Himiko if you'd like, (y/n)!" She giggled. You nodded your head. "Just so you know, I won't always sleep here. I have a home and family I have to go back to, so it will only be occasional that I sleep here." You said. "Oh, that's alright!" Himiko smiled cutely.

Boy, was she adorable.

A/n:  There will hopefully be a part two coming up for this, so this isn't the end of this Toga x reader oneshots.


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