Sugar mommy (Momo Yaoyorozu X fem reader)

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Momo Yaoyorozu

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Momo Yaoyorozu.

She was your childhood friend, and you two fit perfectly together.

Perfectly together, just like Yin and Yang.

The perfect pair of best friends.

Even though you had came from a middle class family and she had rich heritage, both of your families still somehow were close.

You knew right from the start, that you wanted to get to know Momo. You wanted to be friends with her.

No, you wanted to be more than friends with her.

But a girl liking another girl is wrong, right?


But how could you not like Momo? Her silky black hair, her stunning eyes, her soft skin, her gentle touch.

She was perfect.

But you had to get over her.

You were friends, nothing more.

You sat down in your chair, fiddling with your pencil. You weren't sure how you got into the hero course, your quirk couldn't really do much in the hero business.

But hey, atleast it's more powerful than having purple balls on your head.

"(Y/n)!~" A familiar voice called out in a singing tone. You turned your head to face Momo.

"Yes, Momo?" You smiled. "Sooo, I may or may not have gotten you a gift." She handed you a small box. You tilted your head to the side, wondering what it could be.

"Thank you, Momo. I really do appreciate it, but you really didn't have to do this." You politely declined her gift, pushing it back to her. She frowned, pushing the box back to you.

"Please take it, (y/n). Your my favorite person in the world, and I want to buy things for you." She replied. Those words made your heart melt, and you couldn't help but accept the gift now.

"Okay, fine. But no more gifts, got it?" You made her promise not to buy you anything else. "Okay, I won't." She crossed her fingers. A smirk came on your face. "I saw that." You chuckled. "Oh hush, open it up." She giggled.

You playfully rolled your eyes, opening up the box.

A loud gasp left your lips as you saw what was inside.

It was a necklace, and it wasn't a cheap one. It was decorated in diamonds, real ones might I add. It was absolutely beautiful.

You held the necklace up, admiring every aspect of it. You put the necklace on, a small smile forming on your lips. You turned to face her. "Thank you so much, I really love it." You put your hand on her shoulder. "No problem, (y/n)! I'm glad you like it," she continued on. "I was also wondering if this weekend we could go to the mall? Just to pick up some necessities, of course." Momo asked.

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