Practice (Kyoka Jiro X nb reader)

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The big concert was coming up, and you were not prepared.

You so very generously volunteered to perform. Correction; you had no choice but to perform. But the thing was, you didn't know how to play an instrument.

But your friend, Jiro, had offered to give you guitar lessons. You were extremely thankful, because without her, you would have looked like a total idiot.

Truth was, you thought of her as more than a friend. You wanted to be her lover, but you knew she would never think of you the same way.

It was the weekend, and you were getting ready to go over to Jiro's dorm room. You got changed into casual clothes, nothing too flashy, but nothing too trashy either. You grabbed your guitar you were borrowing from the school, and headed over to her room.

You knocked about three times, waiting for a response. You heard a lot of shuffling from inside, which caused you to become confused.

Finally, the raven-headed girl opened the door. "Hey Kyoka! I'm here for the guitar lessons." You smiled. A large blush coated her face. "H-hey (y/n)! I forgot t-that you were coming over..." She mumbled. You tilted your head. "Are you okay? Your face is red, you might be sick!" You placed your head on her forehead, causing the blush to become more intense. "Hm, you don't feel warm." You mumbled. You then realized what you were doing, as you quicky snatched your hand away, your own face becoming red.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" You squeaked. "I-It's okay! Let's j-just go inside.." Jiro said, pulling you inside of her room and closing the door. You sat down on her bed, the guitar resting on your lap.

She grabbed what seemed to be a notebook, and flipped through the pages. You analyzed what was written down, and come to the conclusion that that was a music notebook, since it had different notes on there. Jiro handed you the notebook, preparing to explain. "Okay so, this is the music I had written for the song in the concert. First, you need to learn what these different notes are on the guitar." She explained, leaning over and pointing to the notebook. Her face was extremely close to yours.

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic

"O-okay!" You mumbled. "Could you stand up?" She asked. You nodded your head, and stood up. You clumsily held the guitar, not knowing how to properly hold it. Jiro stood behind you, gently grabbing your hand and putting them in the correct position. Her hands felt warm and soft against yours, you wished you could stay in that moment forever. You noticed that you started to blush again, but you pretended that it was nothing.

{Jiro's pov}

I put their hands in the right position. I became extremely flustered, trying to play it cool.

Why am I getting this flustered? Your not supposed to feel this way while showing somebody how to play the guitar!

What I didn't know though, is that I was falling in love...with my best friend.

{Your pov}

After the lesson, you had to head back to your dorm room...until Jiro offered for you to stay the night in her room.

"Yeah, sure!" Is what you said.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shitttt, she invited me to stay the night!

Is what you were thinking.

You did have to go back to your room though, but it was only to grab a couple of things.

You returned to her room, and got situated.

"So uh, where am I gonna sleep?" You questioned. "I don't care, wherever you want to." Jiro shrugged. You ended up sleeping on the floor, while Jiro slept on the bed.

~Time skip~

You and Jiro had practiced the guitar for awhile now, it had been about a month since the first lesson. Jiro was currently just now realizing her feelings for you, and it was around the time the concert was about to be performed.

It was today.

You walked up to Jiro, everyone was behind the stage. "Hey uhm, Kyoka? Do you know where Midoryia is? I haven't seen him at all, and we are about to start the performance." You asked. The realization had hit her, you could see it by her facial expressions. "Oh crap, I haven't seen him either! We won't be able to perform if everyone isn't here!" She panicked.

You frowned, not knowing how to comfort her. "Hey, it'll be okay! I'm sure he'll show up eventually." You gave her a slight smile, putting your hand on her shoulder. A faint blush could be seen on Jiro's cheeks as she gave you a small smile. "Thanks, (y/n)." She mumbled.

You were right, Midoryia did show up on time, and the show was put back on. Jiro was relieved about that.

Everyone got into their places, and the curtains were moved aside, so that class 1-A could be revealed. Everyone started to play their instruments, and Jiro started to sing the song she had write, it's called 'hero too.'

She sounds like an angel.

You thought to yourself, as you played the guitar.

{Time skip towards after the concert}

You and Jiro went back stage, and started to talk about absolute random things.

"Hey Kyoka, do you like anybody?" You asked. Jiro looked away for a second, then looked back into your (e/c) eyes. "Yes, I actually do." She answered. You felt yourself become upset. "O-oh, who is it?" You questioned.

{Jiro's pov}

A wave of confidence rushed through my body, as I leaned in and pressed my lips against theirs. They were soft. I was afraid that they would reject me, but I did it anyways.

{Your pov}

You were shocked.

Kyoka just kissed me.

You kissed back, enjoying the moment. It felt like that single five seconds lasted an eternity, before she pulled away. You didn't want it to stop, you wanted to kiss her soft lips forever. "I like you, (y/n)." Jiro smiled. You returned the smile, resting your hand on her cheek, your other hand on her shoulder. "I like you too, Kyoka." You giggled.

"So uh, do you wanna be my partner? Only if you want too, of course." She nervously asked. "Of course I do, dummy." You grinned.

A/n: heyo! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, because this was really fun to write. I'm so gay for Jiro-

Remember to stay hydrated! :>

Remember to stay hydrated! :>

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-Jynx <3

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