Chapter 10 Blueprint for Perfection

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Soriano was polishing a nineteen sixty-nine Mazda MX five, one of the numerous cars at his dealership. Payton walked in, hands in his pockets and a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sold another Polestar, chief. With the NNC coming up, orders are rolling in." He said with a swagger.

"Nice work, Payton," Soriano said in approval. "Now come give me a hand with this Mazda."

"I'll be heading out to Gate Plains soon – Brook's practicing there today."

"Yes, yes, you can go later. Right now—"

"I know, I know. Work on the Mazda." Payton said with an exaggerated groan. Soriano threw the dirty rag at him but he caught it deftly with a grin. The chief had heard all about the meeting with the Nightshades and the race Brook had entered into in exchange for their help from the crew. Although it surprised him that Brook had agreed to it, he supposed it wasn't a bad deal. He trusted them to know what they were doing, although he wasn't above cautioning them to remain on their guard. He knew from past experience that the NNC was a likely place for unsavory characters to make an appearance.

The two of them worked together for a few minutes when the sliding doors opened and admitted a tall man in a gray tweed suit. He readjusted his glasses as he took in the dealership, his eyes widening slightly as he caught sight of Soriano approaching.

"Welcome sir, how can I help you? Whether you're looking for something sporty or family-friendly, we've got it." Soriano greeted the customer. The man inclined his head with a 'hmm' but did not speak.

"Hello, sir. Would you like a tour?" Payton asked, coming forward. The man eyed Payton and gave a tight smile. Payton suddenly got the strange sensation of having seen him somewhere before.

"Oh, I'll just browse. Although I would like to hear about your fastest cars," The man said. Soriano politely gestured for the man to follow him to see some models. Payton lingered behind, staring at the man uneasily.

"Why over here we have the undefeated Mazda MX five, then, of course, there are the classics, the Porsche Cayman, Jaguar F-type..."

"I read online that the Koenigsegg was the fastest car today." The man observed. Payton coughed, alerting Soriano. Soriano grinned.

"That's a big league car, sir. Not exactly the kind to be found in ordinary dealerships."

"Really? I heard a particular gang stole one last year from a dealership." The man went on, his tone unwavering. Payton's expression hardened.

"A mere speculation. The car was found in possession of a deranged psycho maniac." He said sharply. Soriano gave him a frown.

"Ah, yes, I recall reading about it in the news. The Inferno Ghosts, I believe, they called themselves." The man stated, snapping his fingers upon remembering.

"Yes... back to the cars – perhaps I could interest you in something more street-legal?" Soriano weaned the conversation back.

"Hmm... perhaps what I'm looking for can't be found here..." The man said in a slow observational manner. Payton found himself clenching his fists.

"Perhaps not. In which case, I suggest you look somewhere else." He said roughly.

"Payton!" Soriano hissed at him. He turned to the customer.

"I'm sorry sir, can I still interest you to take a look around? You might find something you like."

"Oh, I think I've seen everything I need to here." The man said slowly.

"Then let me show you the door," Payton said, folding his arms. "It's that way." He nodded his head towards the exit.

"Thank you." The man said with dripping politeness. Soriano reached out to stop him.

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