Chapter 56

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A small portion of light gradually radiate to Xiao Yu's sense of sight. The last scenario he can recall, was them being raid by unknown being. Not that it was new anyway.

The remnants of the pain from his injury is now bearable that he can finally move his body without worrying if he will collapse the next seconds. Beside his bed, there Wang Xian sleeping peacefully. It can be seen that the child is exhausted judging by his looks. And he really is, he stay up all night guarding Xiao Yu for fear that his gege will wake up and needed his assistance.

Xiao Yu's eyes soften and he gently caress Wang Xian's hair. Like how he used to treat the child way back in the past. If only he can turn back the time, he rather not bring Wang Xian with him, rather give him some money so he can live freely with happiness and away from danger unlike today. He felt sorry for Wang Xian, but it's now too late.

Even how much he tried to hold his tears, it flows voluntarily and some of it manage to touch Wang  Xian's face.

In an instant Wang Xian directly open his eyes. " Gege, you're finally awake. Why are you crying? Is there any pain? Are you feeling okay? Are you tired? Hungry? Or uncomfortable? Tell me, I will instantly try to alleviate it. "

Wang Xian scrutinize Xiao Yu with trepidation.

" Silly child, I'm okay, relax. Why are you being so anxious? " He smiled at how silly Wang Xian just now.

A long sigh left from the mouth of Wang Xian. He's quite relieve that his gege isn't feeling any pain or discomfort.

" Where are we? " After awhile seeing everything is foreign, Xiao Yu asked.

Wang Xian amiably told him everything that happened. He told him that they're now at the enchanted forest with a two male dragon guardian which was the two person from yesterday. He aslo added that Lu bin and Lu rin are the names of the two and now recognized him as the successor of his late mother goddess and the two is willing to serve him now.

Moreover, they are also the one that help Xiao Yu to stabilize his condition and put his core at ease for the time being. Also, Wang Xian told Xiao Yu about the condition of mara. For the present mara is now recuperating at the next room after all the poison was removed.

This made Xiao Yu's mood put into delight. He must formally meet these two to extend his gratitude and introduce himself.

" Gege are you really okay? Don't hide anything from me. " Just to be sure.

" Of course, don't worry I'm really okay. My xianxian doesn't trust me anymore. I'm hurt." Teasingly said by Xiao Yu.

" You can take my bed and rest. I know you're tired. Don't worry I will stay here with you until you wake up. " He reassured Wang Xian because he is certain that Wang Xian will refuse even how tired he is.

" Okay, you promise first "

" I promise, so go now sleep. "

Wang Xian yawn and crawl to the bed and sleep. He's indeed tired and needed to regenerate his strength.

Xiao Yu emptied his mind and meditate. He check his vast land just to see that it's on the verge of  disappearance. His three core are disorganize and there are fracture all over it. The once colorful and full of spiritual energy vast land is now devastatingly in chaos and dying.

He attempted to rebuild his water core first. The pain is undeniably killing him. His current cultivation level unfortunately reduced from golden to silver at eight. However, he didn't feel sad at all nor regretted his actions before. The important thing is that, all of them are safe and alive.

The energy inside this hidden forest is purer and abundant compared to the outside places. Giving them the advantage to boost their cultivation rapidly.

Xiao Yu took some pill inside his pouch before he begun the rebuilding process. The pill is called ' cloud forging pill '. That pill is a heavenly grade, the purpose for that is to help block any possible failure during the process. By the term ' help ', it means failure is still inevitable, only that it might be minimize.

Through deep concentration, after a several hours. Xiao yu successfully rebuilt his core. But, it's still so fragile and weak. Xiao Yu didn't push himself too much. He cool down himself and planned to rebuild his fire core after stabilizing his water core. Thanks to the qi of this place.

He might not be able to cast strong attack at this time, nevertheless at least his water core is now restored. And even though his cultivation decreased, there are still a lot of opportunity to be strong in the future.

Wang Xian was already awake even before Xiao Yu finished. So he also meditate while waiting for his gege. When Xiao Yu stop, so as him.

Now the two of them is heading towards Lu bin and Lu rin. They don't want to disturb mara so the two of them go. Also, Wang Xian informed Xiao Yu that Tian Bai is  with the guardian talking.

They're approaching to the dazzling falls. Behind the falls is a huge cave, and the den of the two protector.

Because of the barrier, you won't be able to detect the cave if you aren't aware. Even the noice are filtered.

Wang Xian hold Xiao Yu and teleported themselves inside the cave. Tian Bai and the two are sitting at the circular table and seems discussing a very important and serious topic.

" Did we disturb you or invade your privacy? " Shyly asked by Xiao Yu. He think he is being disrespectful and rude.

Lu bin stand up and greeted Xiao Yu " Finally you're awake. Don't worry, it's okay. Are you feeling well? "

" Yes, thank you for asking. I'm very sorry from yesterday. Let me introduce myself. I'm Xiao Yu. Thank you for saving us. "

" Oh forget about the formality your majesty. It's our duty to save you. "

Because Wang Xian discussed by detailed regarding the info of these two, he isn't surprise anymore that lu bin address him such.

" Just call me Xiao Yu. Can I call you brother Bin and Rin? "

" If you may allow, we are glad yuyu. "

By age, the two guardian are of course older than them. Thus, giving intimate endearment to their junior is nothing. They wish to pamper Xiao Yu with all they can.

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