Chapter 49

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When the dawn come, before the sun could even shine. The three of them started their journey. Xiao Yu who was severely hurt is yet to recover his strength even half of it. Mainly because his divine core is now broken resisting the energy of nature to heal him fast.

Being the most powerful among them three, it's dangerous that his strength decreases, most importantly at this situation that they're taking a long journey.

Fortunately, mara as a divine beast fully recovered his strength to the fullest. It's natural, since beast normally have a superior healing ability over other being.

Even so, their strength if combine should also cannot be underestimated.

Mara is leading their way toward the Shuangian mountain. The road is smooth, they haven't encountered any threats or enemy along the way so far.

Since it's dangerous to continue at night. They stop at the middle of the forest, and plan to continue tomorrow.

As a prey to different predator. They become lenient into everything. They never let themselves open to any possible weakness.

Xiao yu created a small fire, enough to warm themselves. Because their body is still recovering, they need food to aid its recovery. So on their way earlier, they mastered to hunt some small animal beast like chicken, boar and some food, then stuffed it into Xiao yu's space ring.

They toasted some chicken, for the three of them. Their movement is calculated, so as to not cause any ruckus or something that might trigger the enemy to locate them.

All the being rested to the veil of the night. The crickets are chirping, creating its own melody like a lullaby.

Not so long, a 'whoosh' sound from the wind awaken Wang Xian. Since he is a wind attribute, he can easily notice the movement of the wind.

An arrow was shot towards him in an instant. With the presence of the night, the enemy is yet to be seen.

" Show yourself and don't fight cowardly! " Shouted by Wang Xian.

An eyes that is glowing in the night, soon appear, pair by pair. It's a wolf nest, and are all at their silver five level in cultivation.  But who shot the arrow does not explain the appearance of the wolf!

The bunch of wolves are moving closer and closer to them while they're growling.

Wang Xian unshielded his sword.

" Ice calamity, mega frozen kill! " Xiao Yu without hesitation, despite his weakling body casted a strong spell. When he walk up seeing that they're surrounded by unknown creature, the thought of protecting the only two person that are loyal to him flash into his mind.

~cough, cough ~ the backlash of using his magic, with his condition. He cough some blood, even by only casting a single attacked.

The wolf unexpectedly manage to lift their body into the ground and climb into the three, avoiding Xiao Yu's attacked. These wolf might develop an intelligent already.

" Gege! We should run, there are so many of them. " Wang Xian step backward and guarded his gege.

" They are native wolf, their body could develop a natural way of survival. That's why when it detected a deadly force coming from the ground. They instantly grow wings. It's difficult to fight with them, especially with their numbers! We should escape! " Mara recognize the wolf just by its scent. Naturally, wolf and fox should not coexist with the same environment to avoid havoc. They're similar to a sworn enemy. Since wolf is a territorial animal, and possessive. While the fox is cunning and courageous, that's why mara felt  the feeling of being oppressed.

" But there is someone that shooted an arrow earlier, it's impossible for the wolf to do that right? " Wang Xian is curious about who might be that someone. Maybe it's their leader that is similar with mara, which already acquired it's human form.

" Too late humans! How dare you to intrude into my place of reign! " Unexpectedly, Wang Xian guessed it perfectly. The one that came out from the dark along with some wolfs is a wolf beast on its human form.

Because of the moon, it help them to clearly see that person. He is a young man which at least at his Golden phase of cultivation. Those beast that are rank as monarch according to their bloodline can have their human form earlier than the normal beast.

He do have a sharp eyes like the wolf, and a than body. He is wearing a tattered dress, revealing his muscles. His face is sculpted like a figurine, beautiful yet scary. His aura is suffocating and is full of grievance.

" Battle me, and if you'll win. I'll let you all go and help you to look what you're here for. If I win, your life is mine.  I'm sure that people like you won't come here for nothing, you greedy monster! But I won't show you any mercy, if you die during the fight, it's beyond my responsibility. It's not that you aren't going to die today anyway." His voice is deep that you can hear the vibration from his voice box.

Xiao Yu ain't sure himself how powerful this young man can be. He look at mara and Wang Xian's innocent face.

' I rather sacrifice myself for my beloved people to survive.' he sighed as he smile.

" Wang Xian, mara. You know how much I love you two. If I will be defeated. Use this to fled away and continue looking for the enchanted forest. I can feel that it's near and you'll find it.

Because I've spent majority of my spiritual energy to the baby inside me. It will still survive, even without me. Raise it with love and care, tell her that I'm her parent and I love her. " Xiao Yu throw the last talisman he have. Which was given by his mother before, this is used to teleport one self to another without a trace and it could penetrate to any barrier. After that he casted a barrier so mara and Wang Xian could not stop him.

Inside the barrier, there stood a young man and the fragile Xiao Yu in the both aisle.

Actually, it's not that Xiao yu wanted to sacrifice himself all the time. It's just that, he know that his core is now broken and he is dying. He just wanted to see this child even for the first time and last, that's why he is fighting. But he guess, destiny won't let him.

" Roaring sonic! " The young man started the fight. A wave of stimulus sound roaring is about to hit Xiao Yu.

" Blood line ice blossom! "

Luckily Xiao Yu casted it on time, and the deadly wave bounce back and gone. But he staggered because of the backfire of the force.

" Thousand snow flakes, kill! "

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