Chapter 38

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Soldiers and beasts encircled both xiao yu and princess Lua Ben Xin. Making a space to serve as the the battle ground.

To determine the winner, it is only when either Xiao yu and the princess surrender. By this, both parties must not harm or attacked again and will accept defeat.

The princess throw a purple ball into sky, creating a barrier between them and the people. With the barrier, no other force from the outside can penetrate through them. The purple light envelope them.

Xianlan is getting more and more conscious.

" General Qin, prepare your soldiers. The moment we see that the empress will be at the disadvantage. We must smash this barrier instantly. "

It's not that xianlan don't have faith with xiao yu or looking down him. It's just that, he felt unease this time.

" You're majesty, but that's breaking the negotiation between the princess. It was already stated that, the moment the duel begin no one is allowed to interfere. "

General Qin still maintain calm and think rationally. They must not act harshly, or they will put the lives of the people at risk.

" So you're telling me that I will just look at my empress being hurt? If not only by the antidote in their hand. I can easily kill this people! Presumptuous, they rather not harm my empress or I don't care about the antidote anymore!"

He already sacrificed a lot, and his empress is an exemption. He can offer his self over xiao yu.

Inside the barrier, Xiao yu and Lua Ben Xin are on their stand. Waiting, who will take the action first.

" I really hate that pretty face of yours. I can't wait to ruin it. " Lua Ben Xin said, scornfully.

The princess sway her body, and slowly, her shadow turn into a giant snake.

" Empress, let me show you the power of my dark mighty shadow snake! "

After her words left into her mouth. The snake, move it's body as fast as a wind and directly appear an inch from Xiao yu. Luckily, he lift directly into the air to avoid the attacked.

' Impossible, by the agility and control of the princess's power, she must be a golden phase cultivator, already. But why haven't I detected it? Or is she wearing a magic tool that is way powerful than me? But why did xianlan didn't know this as well? He is at his level 5. How powerful could it be! '

The snake that failed to hit Xiao yu, gather itself hurriedly and rush again into the air.

Xiao yu, who still weighing how the princess conceive her power. Failed to notice the upcoming danger. Thus, the  snake grasp his feet and drag him into the ground with full force.

His stomach is his weak spot this time. So he is protecting it with all his might. When, he is about to meet into the ground, he weaken the impact by generating almost all his mana to protect his stomach the most.

" Is that all you got? I think this fight would be done fast. You can say goodbye to your beauty now. HAHAHAHAAHAHAH " Lua Ben Xin felt proud and can't deny the happiness she is feeling.

Xiao yu just ignore the princess words.

" Moon blade, enshrine your power. "

A white light illuminated the surrounding, that people need to close and protect their eyes.

When the light was gone, the moon blade dance into the wind graciously, cutting the snake shadow into pieces.

" Ice termination, mega frozon! Thousand snow flakes ! Ice winged! "

A three consecutive powerful incantation was made by xiao yu. Now, the place is like a chilling place that you will unknowingly shiver.

Xiao yu is now floating, with the ice winged at his back. He is surrounded, with the thousands crystal Ice sword ready to launch.

With the ice termination, the princess who didn't expected such attacked, is frozen on the spot.

Not even a minute, the ice that covers the princess melted. Showing, the undefined face of the princess. Her make up was completely destroyed by the water, and now scattered all over her face.

For a person like here, whose beauty is life. Of course she cannot accept this kind of embarrassment especially in front of the crowd.

Now she is in range! Her murderous intent increase by folds!

" How dare you! You will repay for this! "

" Lunch! " Xiao yu shouted, not minding what ever Lua Ben Xin will going to say.

" Eyes of Medusa " The princess immediately summoned her strongest spell.

Everyone are expecting to witness a very big collision, but surprisingly nothing happened.

The moment the eye appear at the forehand of the princess, everything stop.

The ice sword that are rushing towards the princess turn into stone and bit by bit landed into the ground.
Even the ice winged is no exception. At the end, none of xiao yu's attacked manage to touch the princess.

Xiao yu's body is gradually turning into a stone as well.

' so this is the power of Medusa's ice. Even I , the demi God can still be turn a stone ' xiao yu felt the overwhelming power. If this thing will reach into my stomach, this might affect the baby. I must got free! '

He tried to release his Qi but it seems frozen as well and he can't generate any Mana at all.

" You underestimated me too much. By that, you won't be able to use your core as it contains freezing core venom that will automatically disable your core. You will repay for what You've done to me! " The princess is still very furious by what happened earlier.

Xiao yu can feel that his bone are  breaking.

' I must think of a way to break this or I will not only die, but so as those innocent people!'

When he do close cultivation, he discovered that fairy core is only given to a god or goddess, so unearthly magic, won't affect it much. With this attribute, he can use siren voice. At this juncture, only his fairy core is useable. But because it is quite powerful, using such magic he will received backlash after as it is beyond his control.

But if he will use it, it will expose his identity. And may endangered many more people after. Even Wang Xian and mara.

' Fate is truly wicked and unfair. From another world up to here, my destiny is to suffer all over again. '

Xiao yu sigh and closed his eyes.




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