Chapter 42

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" nice joke mara, next! " Retorting a serious conversation with something like flowery word can help you to escape sometimes. And that's what Xiao Yu did.

' mara, if you will dare to argue with me today! I'll cut your neck! Shut your mouth! ' but using telepathy he already threaten mara. The sly nine tailed fox finally realized what she did.

" I'm just kidding your majesty. Ohh, I forgot Wang Gigi and I have something else to do bye! " Mara is running for her life. After he said that, she used teleportation to run.

Silence once again illuminated the room. Both xianlan and xiao yu, just blink their eyes by how fast the happening was.

" Xianlan, don't listen to her. You know, she loves joke. " yuyu said while seemingly smiling.

Xianlan just move on knowing he can't extract any information from Xiao Yu, even if he will ask him.

" Yuyu, you know what? Don't think too much about those people that are looking for you. Don't think too much okay? I've heard that the black market will be open tomorrow. Why not we go there and enjoy the moment of peace, what do you think?"
Xianlan is trying to ease his wife from anxiety. So he intend to try to divert his attention into something nice.

" Okay, because maybe the will be the last time will go into an adventure together! " Yuyu then laugh and considered his words as a joke.

But xianlan who heard it clearly, his heart escape a beat for couple of seconds.

" What are you saying? Of course we will be together forever! I won't set you free! " Xianlan hide the pain he felt.

" I'll take my leave so you can rest. Yuyu, promise me you won't run away. Can I trust you? " To ensure something ain't bad right? After all, Xiao Yu already run away once.

" Rest assured! "

The two separated themselves. When xianlan finally at his chamber he finally dissolve the facade in his emotions. He look so exhausted and confused!

At the other part. Xiao Yu summoned mara and Wang Xian.

" Wang Xian, I guess this is the time for you to know who am I really. I'm the son of the hunted goddess, and now I'm the target. My enemies are unknown so as how powerful they are. Now, we can see that going along with me is not a safe place for you anymore. I may not be able to protect you anymore as what I did before. Especially that I just got broke my two level of cultivation. And Wang Xian, I know that by your skills and cultivation today, no one can bully you that easy again. You can now defend yourself against enemy. I'm saying this, as I might travel around and run from this dynasty. My faith is uncertain, my death is unknown and I don't want you to meet the same end with me. Always remember that I love you like my real brother.

From this moment onward, you're no longer aloud to come with me and you must leave this place. I'll give you all the money that I have, it should be enough for you to have your own family and can live in extravagant life. My only wish is for me to have a peaceful and happy life. But I guess It won't happen anymore. So, I hope that you can do that for me. Please leave your life full of happiness and satisfaction. " Tears are falling from the beautiful eyes of Xiao Yu. He don't want to be alone, he don't want to leave wang xian. But he can't drag wang xian with him. So it's better to do this.

Wang Xian exploded into tears. He clearly understand what his gege is trying to say. His gege is always selfless. That even at the most dangerous part of his life, he still prioritize him.

" Please don't leave me. Gege, even if I will die I want to be with you. Please don't chase me away like everyone do. "

The once warm ambiance, is now replace by loneliness. Even mara is sobbing as well. Xiao Yu didn't chase mara away, since they're both dependent to each other. As a spirit animal, mara needed Xiao Yu to maintain her power controllable. On other hand, Xiao Yu needed mara to increase his power as well.

" Wang Xian, I'm doing this for your own good. Please reconsider, I only want you to be at peace and safe. "

" But gege! I will only be safe with you. And I don't like to go anywhere. If you're truly persistent to throw me away and not want me anymore. It's better for you to kill me gege."

Wang Xian is also persistent this time. If his gege will leave him. It's either he will let his gege kill him, or he'll kill himself.

" Wang Xian the day is exhausting take a rest first, both of you mara. And I hope you'll think it better. Tomorrow I'll take you both to the market. Rest early. "

He don't want to push Wang Xian as he know he is hurting him. At the same time, hurting his heart and consciousness. After all, he treat wang Xian as his real brother and he also don't want to be separated with him.

Wang Xian didn't talk much and just followed what his gege has said. They return to both their room, and after a long sob. He finally asleep.

The sun rose up again as usual. The whisper of the freezing breeze, glimpse upon Xiao Yu's pale face.

He grab anything that he can reach just to ease the cold sensation running to his vein. He hug it tightly and nuzzle his face on it.

Anything is in accordance with his preference, not unless it started moving Ang hug him back!

He instantly open his eyes just to see xianlan is smiling ear to ear while he tied his body to him. He push him directly because of shocked and embarrassment.

" Xianlan! What are you doing here! "

" Didn't I tell you that we will go out today? But when I enter inside your room I see your sleeping peacefully and I don't have the heart to disturb such beauty, so I joined. " Shamelessly said by xianlan.

Without a second thought, Xiao yu also ready himself. He wore a plane pitch robe and a sandal wood hairpin.

After a few minutes, they're ready to set off including Wang Xian and mara.

The opening of the black market is held at the suburb part of the empire. But even so, there are still a lot of people waiting for the opening. It is mainly for the reason that it only open once in a decade. And all their products there are really worth it and effective. It also consist many mysterious and powerful object such armor and more.

Xianlan and his comrade arrive on time. The market finally open and people happily went inside.

Inside the market while they're strolling. A certain person that is running hit Xiao Yu at the shoulder, causing her to smack to the ground.

When the person raise it eyes and see Xiao Yu. Her eyes lit up and tears appear in her eyes.

" My goddess, you're finally back ! "

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