Bonus 5: Mizuki

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Bonus 5: Mizuki

Heian Era: 850 AC (after Christ)

Loud wails of a baby echoed the halls of the huge Kibutsuji Manor making many flinch at how loud the new born was and some got worried.

The head of the mansion was irritated by how loud the child was as he walked how the halls his long hair was in a low bun a red coloured string.  The long sleeves of his kimono hid his tight fist.

He was followed by maids that were sweating bullets. They were scared of their lord that was very much a monster after he was cured.

Unlike before he was much more aggressive and ate any who dared disobey his words. His sinister actions were known to everyone in the manor but no words were told outside of the place.

The man stopped before the door as a maid walked over it and knocked.

“yes?” a small voice said on the other side, the baby’s cries didn’t hush.

The maid turned to look at the master who’s red eyes tilled down wards to glare at the younger maid, who flinched, “my Lady, Master Kibutsuji is here to see you,” the maid stammered his head down as she spoke against the shoji door.

“come in, my Lord.” The woman said immediately her voice contrasting the aura that lingered the room, her voice was loving and kind.

The maid opened the door bowing and stayed like that.

The woman that was in the room looked awfully tired and the baby stopped crying as she was breast feed-ed. The woman had long dark brown eyes that would be mistaken for black that was contrasted with a pair of lime coloured eyes.

She wore a loose pink kimono that was held by an obi. On her chest was a small baby that was wrapped around a small dark pink cloth as she happily ate from the breast that she sucked on.

The woman lifted her head up, “Lord Muzan.” She smiled her eyes void of fear but was admireful and brave. Something Muzan loved from her.

Muzan walked inside and gestured the woman to close the door and leave.And they obeyed feeling release that he didn’t cut their heads off.

Muzan sat down beside his wife who held the child in place. The new-born was only two days old and her name was Mizuki.

“she is loud,” was the first thing that came from his lips, the fifteen year old woman tilled her head up, “it made my head ache.”

She looked down as the baby let go of heavy and full boob that she sucked at and she fell asleep her thumb in her lips.

“Muzan babies normally are loud, I will do my best to keep her calmer.” She said her hand pulling her child to sleep on her lap and then was about to pull the boob back under her kimono but a hand stopped her.

Muzan didn’t say a word and came closer and tilled his head down as his lips parted. He started to suck her breast feeling the warm taste of the milk on his tongue. He drank and drank as she moaned her hand slowly reaching for her inner legs.

But he pulled off, “nah ah, we cannot do that, can we.” He said a smirk on his lips. Knowing she was there and their new-born was asleep.


Ten years passed and only at night he would leave due to his weakness to the sun. his wife grew sick and was getting sicker every day while Mizuki grew stronger and smarter by the years. She would be only ten but she was smarter than what she looked like.

One day she fell and scrapped her knee but the next second it was cured like nothing happened making her eyes widen.

When another soldier fell they didn’t cure immediately as her. she knew she wasn’t human.

Her father barely left during daytime and she saw how maids were easily replaced the aura was heavy and how scared they were.

She knew her mother was going to die soon. So she reached the huge room her parents resented and meet her again. Her face was now sunken and pale her lips lost their cherry colour and her eyes were sleepy and tired.

She wore her pink kimono with a dark purple haori her hair was messy and over grown.

“mother?” she asked tilling her head, “are you okay?” she asked her head tilled to the side.

“yes I am,” lie.

Mizuki could see that her mother lied to her, her mother looked sick and was on her death bed ready to be taken to the other side.

No you are not, that was what she wanted to shot back but she stayed silent.


A year later the place was burning in flames a week after her mother’s funeral. Her hands and lips were bloody for eating her personal maid that was there she slurped down a vein as it was noodles as the long sting slapped her cheek before entering her mouth.

She ripped the arm off and ate it ignoring the rising flames that burned the place around her.

“we have to go!” Muzan called to her running as he grabbed her from the floor onto his shoulders as she continued eating the arm.

He leaped them onto the roof into the forest that was located a few meters away.

“what of mother?” she asked as she tossed the bone off into a random bush.

Muzan made an excuse for his already eleven-year-old daughter, “she is at the place we are going now.” He lied again.

“I may be young, but my mind is well beyond my years.” She said as she pushed herself off him onto the ground, “I knew she died father.” Muzan was surprised her aura suddenly changed to a stronger one, one of a  monster like him.

One of her hair strings changed to a colour of ocean green without them knowing.

That was how the story of Mizuki started. The first daughter of Muzan, she was as cruel as him.

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