Ch 14 Tanjiro and Inosuke's Courage

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I decided that mine would be if they wanted to, just as I suspected no one came to mine at my estate. I sat sadly at the platform at my front yard waiting to see if someone that passed Sanemi's training. Miku brought me tea and left me alone to do her routine as the sun went down the horizon as the moon started to come up slowly making me sigh and get up.

I walked inside as I hoped one person would be interested. Just then my crow came and stood on my finger.

I smiled a feed her some bread making her eat happily and thanked me.

I saw a folded paper around her thin leg and untied it. I read the note a family smiled for the first time the whole training week.

I saw that Tanjiro and Inosuke were soon to finish Muichiro and Obanai’s training and were deciding to come to mine. well is see that he heir of Sun Breathings and my crush both were interested.


The next day I sat again at the platform waiting when the door of the garden opened and I saw the two boys. But weren't wearing the uniform and bowed greeting me. I smiled at them getting up. I told Sarada I was leaving and left the estate.

I explained to them the exercise but suddenly Zenitsu came too, his face emotion-free. He said he was also interested.

I continued explaining as the sun left the sky dropping down the horizon. I thought when Zenitsu heard the training he’d freak out, but rather he kept a stoic expression making me frown.

His aura was filled with malice and vengeance I was honestly worried for him now. Never in the half year I have met him and saw how aura he was so cold did he meet any new demon? Or did he finally find a reason to be a slayer?

I didn’t know if it was a good thing or bad.

We got to the forest that was a dense and dark, I took this swords and told them, “thirty minutes to meet me on top, or you have already failed, you can use any method to detect demons and can use trees or whatever.”

Like that I hopped from tree to tree leaving them behind.

But as unexpected as it was Zenitsu went before me as past as lightning up the mountain making me stop at a high branch, he wasn’t scared?

I continued hopping from tree to tree my face facing forward when I sensed around three demons, all low ranked making me smirk.

I sat down on a branch and inspected them as I tossed the swords down onto the dirt floor with a light ‘clack’. Zenitsu wasn’t there as I did so, I guessed he just didn’t know and continued. Or just ran off . . . after all he was very scared most times.

But then I felt someone snatch the remaining sword from my fingers and slayed a demon froze when I saw who it was. The other two were also slayed by the other two boys I supervised.

“you gonna stay there?” I chirped in from up the tall trees, “ten more minutes or you fail the first stage.”

I then flashed away again.

When I got to the top I sat down on a small cabin I build for the second stage, I could sense many demons around, low and mid rank. I had three bento boxes in a bag I had all along for them and water thinking they would be tired.

I looked up at the clear sky and the moon that was a color of gold and bigger due to being in a high mountain in a full moon.

Then all the three boys were there a bit tired but stamina was still there, they were stronger than the other people that whined the last eight years I did this. I let them sit in the small cabin with me and gave them the bento and water.

“here, have a twenty minutes break then we will start the next stage.” I explained and sat down with my legs crossed with a frown on my forehead as another vision came.

I clenched my jaw as my eyes closed feeling the headache suddenly grow. After I saw everything I wrote down each death there could be, I was careful not to speak up or let them see, keeping things secret.

Kyojuro (saved)
Master and family
some weird lady with purple eyes. (A/N Lady Tamayo)

I folded the sheet and shoved it my pants when twenty minutes passed, “lets go.” We walked outside and scanned the place.

I explained to them the task at hand, they will have to sit far away from each other and use their senses to feel a demon, I will be walking around too, so figure who is demon or human. I told them that they could decide to stay or leave, cause many were at the verge of death at a certain point.

They would be sitting down with eyes closed and swords would be few meters away, is to train their aura senses.

“also when you sense one tell me their rank or kind of demon and also their blood demon art.” I finished waiting for their question as I cut a demon’s neck with my blade.

Tanjiro rose his hand, “how can I know their blood demon art by just reading their aura?”

“you will just feel it,” I smirked, “after all Pillars who don’t have your special enhanced senses tend to feel it, they could feel a demon’s aura, from their rank all the way to place and how much human they have consumed.”

I then sat down on the top of the cabin with my blade ready to fail or pass them. It was going to be a long night.


When the sun started to rise the boys were panting for air as I hopped down from the spot I was glued at smiling.

I easily slayed all the resting demons as it old them the rank even the ones that crept over I knew I could know by the ringing of my ears when they got close and all that.

“you guys went well,” I turned around and saw Tanjiro starting to fall asleep, so I rushed over letting him fall into my arms.

I pat his head as he snored in my arms.

What I didn’t know was that Inosuke fumed as he hugged me from behind begging for attention, I giggled and pat his head that lay on my other shoulder.

I turned to Zenitsu and used my free hand to wave him over, even with his motionless face I could see that on his aura that he wanted to be pat too.

He came over slowly and I pat his head with a kind smile, “you guys did well, and whenever there not only a demon, but danger you can know. When we are at the last battle against Muzan you could sense the demons from afar.”

I let Zenitsu carry Tanjiro since Inosuke didn’t want me to carry him back down.

We calmly walked back to my Estate as me and Inosuke held hands, even if I deeply loved him I didn’t know if he felt the same judging that he was dense and didn’t have any sense in love or anything.

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