Ch. 13 Meeting and Suspicion

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I sat down on the seat in the living room as I played with little Yunko as Wasaka was pealing the apple to give the little children that were playing in the room. All were pretty happy to see me again after leaving for a week.
I send them all messages each day with my crow so they wouldn’t think I vanished leaving them.

Yunko could talk but she preferred staying silent most times. She played with my hair that dangles beside her.

Wasaka was training to be the next Wind Pillar with Sanemi, ever since Wasaka heard that the Wind Breathing users dropped to one, he wanted to grow it again so he and some other kids were training.

Sanemi was happy – even if he didn’t know it – that there were more people interested to learn it. Wind breathing was very hard to domain and know.

Most breathing techniques require not only physical but also mental state of the user. Except Wind, Sun and Moon breathing they also require emotions. Well all, but most users didn’t think of it anymore.

When a user starts to manic their breathing gets rushed and uneven, making the breathing circulate wrong. And the harder the technique is to master the worse the consequences would end up as.

That was the reason most users end up as motionless when they are in battle, or most times.

“Ma!” I snapped out and saw Yunko pointing at me with her small finger, “MA!”

I smiled, “no, I am not your ‘ma’, Yunko.” I denied, I loved the little girl, aside from being the youngest she was adorable and charismatic. But I couldn’t get attached to most until they decide if they want to get adopted, be a kakushi or be a slayer.

She smiled and got up, her legs trembled as she walked over to another kid as they played with a small box. They were adorable and I loved them a lot.

I sensed someone walking towards the place and then I looked outside thru the opened shoji doors that lead to the front yard.

I smiled as I helped him inside, “Gyomei!” I grasped his big arms letting him in. the kids greeted him as the eldest girl went to make tea he liked as the rest together with Yunko left to play someone else.

He sat down across from me before the table his arms crossed across his chest with a small smile.

The girl came with tea and placed it down, “here Himejima-Sama, your favorite Wisteria tea.” Her name was Saki. She was almost killed but in the end kept an eye too and there was a few scars over her arms and body. she trained to be a kakushi.

He smiled thanking her as he prayed for her fortune and to have a better life. She smiled again; this time thanking him for the prayer ad she bowed leaving.

“why are you here Gyomei?” I asked kindly with a half-hearted smile, “You usually tell me.”

He placed an envelope over the low wooden table. And said: “Master, sent this message for you. He told me that I have to be a witness of your answer. And if you’re going to participate in this year’s Hashira training.”

I gulped, no slayer liked my training, after all many were at the verge of death at the ending. Most feared my training, after all mine was in an open area at night! The idea was for them to meditate at night with eyes closed and learn to sense a demonic aura from afar. And fast reflexes, since I most times tell them to place their blades a few meters away.

“I think I will do it different this year,” I sipped the tea, mine was lavender since the wisteria tea makes me puke. I then grabbed the hite envelope and read the message.

Master chose me as the next candidate as the next leader of the Demon slayer corps. As the second woman to be a leader of the organization. I smiled sadly as a vision came in my head. Explosion and ten deaths of our side.

The rest was a blur making me grind my teeth, “tell master I accept, but I will do my best to heal him and save him from the vision he saw!” I will save the more I could.

He smiled as he asked me what I saw, but I shook my head, I made my own rule of never telling a vision I saw, cause if I did they would try and change it making it worse. I saw that one with Kanae’s death, making her sister try and save her but ended up witnessing it herself.

From inside my hakama pants I pulled a flask filled with my blood and grabbed his large hand carefully and gave him it.

I explained to him that since he was going to a mission that night and that after he came back he could give Shinobu, telling her it was blood from a hybrid that was rumored as Muzan’s child. And since he knew he nodded accepting the deal.


I was sitting with all the Hashiras and Uzui (a former) at the back yard of Gyomei’s estate to debate over the Hashira training. I sat on Kyojuro’s lap as he played with my hair as Muichiro laid his head on mine humming calmly.

Shinobu looked uncomfortable as she saw us together. Sanemi was trying not to yell for Muichiro to get off me; after all he respected me way to much for a runt like him to be that close to me.

I ignored their chatter as I leaned into the flame Hashiras touch humming as he massaged my head softly.

The Hashira training had ten levels but due to me changing it went to nine and one was optional, only the people who wanted to be the strongest would go into mine before going to Gyomei’s. even the Hashiras would be scared, after all the clear space was dark and very high in the mountains. So the air was thin as hell.

I supervised from a tree so I could see if everything went smooth so no one would die . . .

Well I save them when they’re at the verge of death.

So they went from weak to strongest. Shinobu started then to Uzui continuing until getting to Sanemi then me and last but not least Gyomei.

When we finished I was almost asleep in Kyojuro’s arms.

“Poor girl,” Shinobu cooed, “she must be tired taking care of all those kids and Pillar work.”

Kyojuro nodded as I fell in dreamland; “I found her very energized when I see her taking care of the youngest!” he looked down with a smile at my sleeping self.

Uzui smirked with a hand on his head, “she is very flamboyant, and I owe her a lot!” his fuchsia colored eye looked very happy and was genuine, after all she saved his wives and himself. She saved his best friend too so he owned her his life even if she shrugged him off saying she cared of them.

“we all do,” Mitsuri buts in blushing a bit, “after all she saved us once when we were cornered. But I find her very mysterious.” She confessed.

That made Sanemi’s interest scale, “what do you mean, Kanjori?”

She looked hesitant and said, “well, you see, she turned into a pillar with eight and even if we never mention it the blue crescent is unnatural on her skin.”

Kyojuro looked down at my sleeping form on his chest and used his free arm to move her silver bangs showing her tin crescent on her skin that were there since I was born. His owl eyes widened slightly.

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