CHAPTER 1 - Bing, Bang, Boom

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"Wake up, Sweetie, wake up!" your mom ushered, making you immediately jump to your feet from the bed. Loud sounds and bangs could be heard and there was also one extremely loud whistle.

"Wh- What?" you stuttered, still half-asleep as your mother basically dragged you towards the front door.

"To the bunker, Y/n, we have to go to the bunk-"

Suddenly, you were thrown forward and out of the house and the next second, there was a loud bang. From your periareolar vision, you could see the roof collapse on your mom. "Mom!" you called out, instinctively reaching towards the house. A piece of wood from the explosion flew towards you and cut a big gash in your palm. "Mom!" you frantically called out again, not noticing the pain. "Mom, please!"

Another bang was heard and it shook you out of your daze. Tears pricked your eyes as you pressed your mouth into a thin line and turned around, walking fastly before jumping over the fence with one swift movement - there was one bunker for every two houses and you and your family had always shared with the Pevensies.

You turned to go down the stairs just to see the door close right in front of you - apparently some of them had been out for as long as you were. You went down the stairs and opened the door with ease, locking it after you had stepped in.

You were suddenly engulfed in a hug. "Y/n! We're glad you made it," Mrs. Pevensie gushed before pulling away. "Where's your mother?" But one look to your face gave her the answer and she hugged you again. "Oh Y/n, I'm so sorry."

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