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I am barely able to cross the threshold into my own home before Mrs Comerford thrusts a paper into my hand.

"It arrived this morning," Mrs Comerford tells me.

I look at the paper and see that it is a Lady Whistledown sheet.

"The first one of the season, ma'am," Mrs Comerford says.

I smile as I read the paper.

Did you miss me? As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing. Honing my skills. Or should I say, hatching my plans? No, even better. I was sharpening my knives... for all of you. Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Though, this one you will be able to unearth. I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be. Your move, Your Majesty.

Georgie rushes towards me. "Is that Lady Whistledown?"

I laugh as I hand the paper to her. "Have you missed the gossip so?"

"Yes," Georgie tells me. "Penelope told me that Lady Whistledown has not written once since the season ended."

"Oh, I do not know how anyone could go on," I tease.

Georgie makes a face. "I rather enjoy reading Lady Whistledown."

"You enjoy knowing about other people's lives," I tell her.

"How am I supposed to know about this season's competition since you and Campbell decided I did not need to be presented to Her Majesty," Georgie argues.

"We did not decide," I remind her. "Our carriage broke in a rather unfortunate series of events. And not being presented will make you all the more desirable."

Georgie sighs as she sits down on the settee. "Lady Danbury is to host the first ball is she not?"

I nod my head. "She is."

"And it is tonight?" Georgie asks.

I nod once more. "It is."

"We did receive an invitation, right?" Georgie asks.

"Yes," I tell her.

"And we are attending right?" Georgie asks.

"Why do you have so many questions?" I ask.

"Because I have already missed so much. I do not wish to miss anymore," Georgie tells me.

"You missed one event," I remind her.

"Arguably the most important one," Georgie insists.

I sigh. "You will not be missing Lady Danbury's ball tonight. Unless there is some drastic horrible event between now and then."

Georgie gasps. "Do not say that."

I smile. "Lady Danbury has appropriated a conservatory for this year's festivities. It will make for a most spectacular opening ball, indeed."

"Is it true Her Majesty is to be in attendance?" Georgie asks.

"How have you already heard gossip?" I ask. "We have not even been on British soil for a day."

"Abigail has told me all the gossip she has heard in the days we have missed," Georgie tells me.

"Now you have your lady's maid obtaining gossip for you." I shake my head. "You will have plenty of time for gossip later but if you wish to attend this ball you must make haste and ready yourself."

Ace of Spades//Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now