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The fastest courtship upon record occurred during the markedly wet season of 1804, when Miss Mary Leopold secured a betrothal over a plate of sugared almonds and licorice in just four and a half minutes. Of course, Miss Leopold and her new husband would leave London mere hours after their wedding. Reason unknown. Of all that I have imparted to you, dear reader, there is but one bit of wisdom you must heed most. One can never know the truth of a marriage hiding behind closed doors. Beware indeed, blushing newlyweds. You know not the future that awaits. Will there be hardship... or indignity? Or will one's future see the rarest accomplishment of all, a true love match? As for which of these fates await the eager matches of the season of 1813, only two things will tell... Time, and, as always, this author.

I sit in the parlor with my siblings.

I smile at Georgie. "Are you excited for the Hastings Ball?"

Georgie nods furiously. "I have thought of nothing else all week. I can only imagine how nice Clyvedon will be."

"Well it is the home of a Duke," Campbell reminds her.

"And a Duchess," I remind him.

"Who happens to be your dearest friend," Georgie reminds me.

I smile. "I think it only appropriate for a Marchioness to have a Duchess for a best friend."

Georgie giggles as Campbell rolls his eyes.

"Have you given any thought to Paris, Selina?" Campbell questions.

I nod my head. "I have given it thought."

"And?" Campbell questions.

"I think Paris would do this family well," I tell him.

Georgie smiles. "I was so worried you would stay behind."

"I shall show you both everything that Paris has to offer," Campbell assures.

I chuckle. "I am sure there are a few things we will skip."

Lady Bridgerton has invited Georgie, Campbell, and I around this morning. We sit the parlor with her family.

"I am confident I could last a few rounds in a boxing ring," Anthony insists.

"Well, that is certainly a match I would like to see," Campbell taunts.

Daphne and the Duke finally arrive.

"Sister!" Francesca shouts.

Daphne pulls her into a hug. "Francesca! Welcome home."

"It is so wonderful to see you." Francesca nods at the Duke. "And you, Your Grace. I thought four brothers enough, but returning to five is quite nice."

"Simon!" Hyacinth skips towards the Duke. "When will I be able to visit Clyvedon?"

"Hyacinth allow the Duke to find a seat before you trouble him," Lady Bridgerton tells her.

"You are welcome to visit at any time," the Duke assures.

Hyacinth giggles as she drags him across the room.

"Now, come. Show me what you've been learning all summer," Daphne instructs.

I spot Eloise sitting on a couch eating chocolates from a box. I sit down next to her.

"I will give you anything you desire if you give me one of those chocolates," I tell her.

Eloise moves the box towards me. I smile. "Oh Eloise I do so love you."

Benedict sits down on the other side of his sister.

"I do not share my food," Eloise insists.

"Well you do." Benedict points to me. "Anyhow you are not to do what you did the other morning ever again. Do you understand, Eloise?"

Ace of Spades//Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now