39. The Results Are In!

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Everyone was shocked at what they had seen, there standing at the start of the maze were the Four Founders of Hogwarts and each one holding an animal of sorts, a phoenix they all knew about it was Dumbledore's after all or so they thought, a squid of all things, a Thestral of all things and lastly it couldn't be could it... a frickin' basilisk!

While the founders reconnected with their familiars Otiz dozed in Harry's arms while Cedric placed his arm over the smaller teens shoulder they were both sitting down on the glass with Viktor and Fleur as they just wanted time to sit back and relax.

They all flinched when Poppy came over to run scans on all of the teens including Otiz who kind of growled at the feeling.

"Madam Pomfrey he's ok now he was healed in the maze by someone, I don't know who those" said Harry as he let her scan him before she left him alone and went to the other champions.

"Thank merlin you four are alright? I have no idea who's idea it was but to let four teenagers into a dangerous tournament is beyond me. I have done what is needed of me and more to say the least but I will file all of their medical records to their parents right away and then they can say whether or not a mind healer is needed, I know for one young Mr. Snape will have to go after what he has been through!"

"Poppy really I'm fine!" moaned Harry as he turned red at her fussing of him, he saw her as something of an over bearing aunt and he hated to admit it he loved her for it she was completely different than his aunt by blood.

"I know my dear but you know I'm right on this"

"I know you're right but do I have to?"

"Yes son I think it would be wise for you to see someone over summer" smiled Severus as he came over with a snake on his shoulder who waved at him.

~your cute what's your name~ asked Harry making everyone look at him as the snake literally jumped down of Severus and up to Harry only to notice another on appear.

~I Solomon and dats Owion! we snakeys~ said Solomon only to have Salazar come over laughing slightly.

"These two have only just hatched, my hatchlings, and their names are Solomon and Orion, Solomon is the rainbow colour and Orion is the jet black one they're twins, I still have no idea how a rainbow python got into the mix but hey Solomon is here" said Salazar as he sat down next to the four teens.

"Sally come back here and help us work this whole thing out" Godric called over to the man.

"Nope Ricky I'm sat down now so not getting up"

"Ro Ro tell him to come and help!"

"Godric please be quiet we are busy explaining everything" said Rowena to the man who only pouted at his friend and tried to persuade Helga.

"He's going to get hit my the horse in a minute" said Salazar as he was now laying on the grass only to hear an ow from the red head, "told you".

"Helga do something about that darn thing!"

"Noir has done nothing wrong you're being annoying Godric Giovanni Gryffindor!" said Helga to him.

"Oo full name there" his familiar laid across his chest and both went to sleep.

"Aren't Slytherin and Gryffindor meant to hate each other?" said Cedric making everyone nod to what he said including the foreign students as they all knew the story about the founders and what had happened to them.

"Bunch of lies if you ask me" said Godric as he laid next to his partner in crime

"Yes we had a falling out over something stupid..."

"You went into my personal private lab and blew it up, potions was never you thing"

".... as I was saying and Sal walked out and didn't return due to falling ill on his travels and sadly dying. I have no idea where what you know came into play".

"From what I can work out was due to you two having that stupid falling out someone twisted it to make it come to what it is today" said Rowena as she sat down the mini squid on her shoulder.

Crouch looked at the founders who were no sitting or laying on the grass not having a care in the world it was completely out of the ordinary and from what they all had learn in History about how the two founding men hated each other and Slytherin only wanted pure magi children to join Hogwarts but here they were just acting like best friends, like nothing had happened to them.

"Let us head back inside for the final scores of our thre... sorry I meant four champions" said Ludo as he and Fudge jested for everyone to follow them back to the school and into the Great Hall.

Once inside they could all feel the hum of Hogwarts itself making the founders smile, the Hall had changed as well behind the staff table was no a round table of sorts for the founders and their heirs to sit at.

The high chair that was in the middle of the staff table, that was once Dumbledore's and had been changed by Tom was now missing so then you could see the table behind.

The Hall's floor now had the Hogwarts crest on it and the tables now what placemats a table runner with all four colours on it as well as their house logo, the benches now changed back into chairs, the tableware now matched the house colours as well.

In other words it was back to how it was meant to be, even their wards flared up and became much stronger than what they normally were, Hogwarts was alive once more!

Fudge came forward with Ludo and Crouch wiping his forehead with his handkerchief.

"The scores are in and after three tests each getting up to 50 points in each task I am here by saying in order of the tasks they stand at:

Leading first at 40 points each her Messers Krum and Snape, second is Mr Diggory with 36 points and lastly Miss Delacour with 35 points, well done to you all for the first task.

The second task is Mr Diggory with 47 points, then Mr Snape with 45, Mr Krum is in third with 40 points and last is Miss Delacour with 25 points, again well done, not lastly the points for the maze.

Mr Diggory is again first with 42 points, Mr Snape with 40 points and Mr Krum and Miss Delacour come in at third place with each at 30 points a piece, well done well done" he stepped back and Ludo stepped forwards.

"As Mr Fudge has said the points are out of 50 so in total that would be 150 points and added up it works out as Miss Delacour of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic has 80 points out of 150, Mr Krum of Drumstrung Institute has 110 points, and so the winners of the tournament is none other than Messers Diggory and Snape of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry congratulations to you two!"

The students of Hogwarts cheered loudly making the founders smile, their school had finally over came this disaster but knowing what Rowena had seen they knew it was just the start of it all.


full names are fun lol

Godric Giovanni Gryffindor

Salazar Saikrishna Slytherin

Rowena Rahana Ravenclaw

Helga Hassanatou Hufflepuff

*Will do plan for the hall promise

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