16. Dragons

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Hagrid was waiting outside his hut for Harry to come to him like he had wrote in his note even though it was spelt badly but he did try very hard to write this note to him, he was very please with himself and when he saw Harry along with Otiz and a white ferret on his shoulders looking very pleased with his little self.

Harry waved to him as he headed to the hut at midnight and once he got to Hagrid they headed to the forest so then Hagrid could show him what he would be facing in the very near future.

"Harry I asked you to come alone, why do you have the animals?"

"Um... Otiz comes with me as he's my familiar and the ferret is Draco he's stuck at the moment, why are we here Hagrid, did you comb your beard?".

"Got your cloak?", he avoided the question but blushed.


"Good put it on already Harry".

"His name is Hadrian, you should remember that half giant. Now tell us where we are here" said Otiz he wasn't happy that they were out after curfew he didn't want Harry to get into trouble for being out invisibility cloak or not.

"Well he's quite rude now as he can change into a human why couldn't he stay as the fox thingie that I first met?"

"Oi! be warned half giant I maybe in human form but I can and I will bite you and for your information I'm a kitsune cross with a Bakeneko thank you very much, I'm not a thingie" he growled at him only to be flicked on the nose by Harry.

"Otiz behave already so then we can get this all over and done with then I can go to be, dad will kill me if he knows I'm out here after curfew that or Tom will".

"When are you going to call him dad, papa or even father, you know him and Severus are an item and he loves you just as much as Sev does".

"I don't know Otiz, I really don't".

"Quiet now under the cloak and follow me don't make a peep".

Otiz shrank and climbed onto Harry's shoulder so then they could all fit under the cloak, they quietly moved to the edge of the clearing and they could hear roars and saw fire, this made Harry jump back at it all Otiz snarled this in turn made Draco squeak and dig his claws into Harry's shoulders making him hiss in pain.

"Hold them!" he heard a voice that he hadn't heard since first year it was Charlie and his friends from Romania he wanted to go over and say hi or something but Hagrid got in the way and pushed him back this in turn made him fall over again Otiz and Draco hissed or squeaked at what Hagrid did.

Charlie heard the noise and went to see what it was and Hagrid stepped out smiling.

"What are you doing here Hagrid I thought we asked for no one to be here as we get these mother's settled before we trade the eggs around so then the can get the golden egg and move on to the next task" he stepped out of the way as a fire ball headed to him.

"Nasty little bugger that one I will say she was quiet sweet as a baby but now she's vicious as hell!" and he smiled and dodged another blast of fire.

Harry was scared he was meant to go up against something like that, how the hell was he meant to do that?! why him of all people?! couldn't he just have a normal year for once sure his second year was ok and everything but it was more him healing than anything really after that his uncle did to him and getting used to having a loving and caring father figure in his life, he had to deal with everyone looking at him because Severus had adopted him, his friends turning against him due to all of it, Ron going missing, Ginny being turned into a slave.

Going to court didn't help him at all he had to face Dumbledore in a court room full of people which he hated but he knew it had to be done but he would of never thought Dumbledore would be arrested he never wanted that, he just wanted Dumbledore to see what he had done wrong but it all turned out badly in his book. He did wonder when his relatives be brought to the court room after eleven years under their roof and everything that he had gone through since that faithful night that his soon to be papa killed them but it wasn't his fault or so he had told Harry that but he wasn't sure about it all. 

Third year he met his godfather of all people and had to deal with him trying to attack him and dementors a rouge werewolf and his other friend being turned into a werewolf at that it just hadn't been his years but now it was ten times worse he had no idea how his name was pulled out of the frickin' cup in the first place as he hadn't been anywhere near Great Hall he was in the common room the whole time doing homework, he had improved his grades so much that he was now in the top 20 of his year and he was happy compared to his first year where he was in the bottom.

As this was all going through his mind he hadn't realised that his cloak was being pulled off and someone helping him breath due to the mass panic attack that he was now in.

"Oh Hadrian come on little brother breathe for me, keep going, there" said Charlie to him as he helped him through it all, Otiz growled but let the young man help Harry.

Charlie turned crystal blue eyes onto the half giant "how could you of brought Hadrian here you know he's sensitive to something like this due to you not thinking this through he's so deep into a panic attack I might not be able to help him".

Hagrid looked ashamed by it all "I'll go and get help now" and he started to walk off.

"I've sent my patronus to Severus he should be here soon" said Charlie and then looked at Harry who had passed out and Otiz was in his animal growling and was in between them as if to protect anyone who were going to hurt the two boys, Draco sat on Harry's chest.

Severus and Tom appeared right away and glared at Hagrid but said nothing to either men and took hold of Harry and headed back to the school and into the dungeons where Severus kept a close eye of his son for the rest of the night.


Sorry short chapter wasn't sure abut this whole meeting the dragons and that but hey Charlie made a short appearance right

What patronus should Charlie have?

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