36. Third Task part 2

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it had been about an hour in so far and none of the champions had reached the middle of the maze and so everyone was worried about it all, it was only worse and no one could see where they were anyway as none of the teachers thought about what the spectators needs to watch this play out.

"I wish we could see what's going on" said Theo even though he was reading a book.

"Same here I hope Hadrian is ok" said Daphne as she held Astonia's hand as they were both very worried as they had heard from Hadrian who was in tears at the time tell them what had happened to him and now Otiz wasn't allowed to be near him to help, what in merlin's name were they thinking not letting a familiar help its bonded they were going to talk to their father regarding this as he was a Lord after all.

"Otiz do you know what's going on in there with Hadrian?" asked Draco while looking at the kitsune next to him holding his leg like he was in pain meaning that Harry was as well.

"Well lets say that he's gotten slightly burnt by and Blast-Ended Skerwt, faced a Boggart and no I will not tell you about what it was ok, it wasn't pretty and he also faced a golden mist of sorts that turned everything upside down so that one was harmless, this is getting dangerous and if not sorted out soon I will be going in there myself!"

"You can't do that, it's against the rules, I will tell a member of staff! you know I will" said Hermione to them only to make them roll their eyes at her, she had been commenting through out the who tournament and everyone just wanted to hex her after the first task.

Inside the maze Mundungus had hidden in the shadows and followed Viktor around as he was now under the Imperius and was on his way to look for Cedric to try and get him out of the way so then it would just be Harry left and then to the meeting port via portkey that he had charmed onto the cup to Harry's magical signature and then he would sign the contract and then everything would be theirs!

Ah Viktor had found Cedric as he had turned the corner of the maze that he was walking down, he didn't have his wand out as he was running or in his case slightly limping due to his burnt leg than merlin Harry had found him and helped.

He didn't know why the boy had helped him but he was grateful that he did or he wouldn't of been burnt to a crisp and that was something he didn't want he was just thankful that he did, he then spotted a shadowy figure ahead of him but it was soon gone and so he carried on heading towards the centre of the maze little did he know was that in mare seconds he would be up under a very painful spell that he would wish he was dead.

Viktor stepped out of the shadows as Cedric ran passed him and brought his wand up and said the incantation in a quiet whisper and he was brought down to the ground he was wriggling with pain screaming out like someone was murdering someone or something, the spell didn't let up the screaming got worse until Mundungus heard another set of feet running right for them and so he hid more into the shadows dragging Viktor with him.

Harry shot a spell narrowly missing Mundungus my a centimetre this broke both spells and Viktor ran off not knowing what he had done, he just wanted to get to the centre of the maze first and then be known as the champion Drumstrung would go down in history, his name already was but he wanted to bring more fame to Bulgaria than anything.

Harry shot another stunner hoping he got Cedric's attacker as the spell on him was now broken and so he helped his fellow classmate hoping that nothing was wrong with him.

"Come on Cedric! are you ok?" asked Harry as he watched Cedric regain his movements but he was still in a lot of pain and he twitched every so often but he did seem to be ok at least.

"I'm ok Hadrian, it just feels really painful, well at least I know what curse it was at least, it seems someone cast the Crucio curse at me!"

"The pain curse? why would someone do that?" Harry asked not sure about this anymore he would like to just shot his flare up into the sky saying he had given up but he wasn't sure if that would make him lose his magic and so he kept going.

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