42. Alpha vs Omega

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Hermione had found somewhere to spend the night which happened to be a spare room off to the side of a hallway, it appeared that no one really used this room, she had managed to steal some covers not long ago so she was all set up with everything for the night or for how ever long she would be staying where until they ended up back at school it looked like it was going to be a long six weeks, but if the headmaster got hold of the thing and Harry it was all worth it but come on they were stuck up idiots ruining the perfect world that the headmaster had been building since Grindelwald.

"Damn even though it June it's still bloody well cold in here" said Hermione as she had started setting up her nest for the few days she had decided she would move around so no one knew that she was there.

"Forest bedding what ever were they thinking, was this a joke of some sort why would they have childish bedding here, stupid Malfoy's, I'm glad I got this thing but why is it tiny?" she shook Otiz who whimpered at the movement but he was too weak to do anything else.

"Oh well all I have to do is kill it and then Harry will be back under the headmaster's wing and everything will go back to normal, he will continue living with his wonderful relatives, the headmaster will be back in charge of Hogwarts, Harry will be back in 'training' to kill he-who-shall-not-be-named, he will take is money, he kills he-shall-not-be named and then after he does that we kill him" she was so happy that she didn't notice a tall shadow approaching her, the room was dark enough anyway.

In a motion that was quick and swift she was picked up and was dangling by her hair up against the wall staring at amber eyes and yellow pointed teeth, she eeped at it all.

"Well, well, well what do we have here a pup that doesn't know it's place, to step into someone else's home that's bad at least I was invited by the owners at least, you smell of my pup he must of bitten you not long ago still young" he sniffed her again.

"Yes a year at most, such a young pup we have here. My pup has come to me to ask to help train you and I couldn't refuse after all he has come to terms with his wolf Mooney I believed he called him, don't know why strange boy that one" he sniffed again "an omega and such a young one not ready for pups of her own but we will see later on" and he smiled at her.

"Let me go!" she whispered she was in a lot of pain but she could tell he was something more than what she was, he said she was an omega what ever that was in her eyes she was more powerful then Remus even if she was younger but here she wanted to submit to him.

"Nah don't want to" he cocked his head to the side "you think your more powerful than my newly appointed Beta don't make me laugh, he might of changed you and classed as HIS but he is my pup I turned him and so you belong to me as well. I am Alpha after all you are just a omega you are nothing to be honest".

Hermione tried to get her wand but it was on the covers that she had laid out and so it wasn't on her at the moment and if it was she would of blasted the man away even if she had to cut her hair off she just wanted the man gone, his breath stank.

The door opened and the light switched on making the man gasp at what he as seeing.

"Fenrir put that thing down you don't know where it's been" said Tom as he slowly walked over and sighed when he noticed who he was holding by the hair.

"Well Miss Granger or should I say Miss No-Name as your parent's have disowned you what a pleasure to meet you in this home I do wonder why you are here?" he looked around the room and noticed Otiz trying to stand up, "there you are mister we have been wondering where you had gotten to" and he went right over to pick him up which in turn made him curl into Tom for warmth.

Fenrir dropped Hermione but as she tried to stand up she made the worse mistake of her life at that moment she looked into his eyes he was in full alpha mode and she she got lower and lower onto the floor to make herself more submissive to him which made the werewolf smile to her.

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