Tournament Ideas

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Ok as we all know in the Goblet of Fire (GoF) Harry has to complete three tasks dragons mermaid and a maze which I am sticking to,to be honest I don't want that to change as well as the graveyard bit, I will keep it as a secret as to what I have planned for that bit.....

Otiz: it's a very good plan if you ask me, eats a cookie 🍪🍪

What I wanted to ask is out of all the dragons should they deal with? Should I keep them the same or should I mix the dragons up for all four of them?

🐱 Hungarian Horntail....... was Harry's
🐱 Chinese Fireball...... was Viktor's
🐱 Swedish Short Snout..... was Cedric's
🐱 Welsh Green...... was Fleur's

Otiz: mix them up, mix them up!, stands on my shoulders waving cookie crumbs every where

The second one I wanted to ask was who should be in the water for the mermaid challenge?

🐱 Severus
🐱 Tom
🐱 Draco
🐱 Otiz

Otiz: no no not me please I'm a smol cuteness bean not me please

It would add more excitement to it all Mr Cuteness Bean so we will let the readers decide on it all, or they can chose someone else not on the list but it's up to them mister,wipes cookie crumbs off herself

Otiz: but I'm cute and very innocent, smiles

The third task is the maze with a riddle form the Sphinx, a Boggart, Blast Ended Skrewts, a golden mist and lastly an Acromantula one of Aragog's children where Harry got sliced in the leg by it.

Otiz: I don't like them they freak me out

You and me both buddy you and me both...., shudders

Lastly is the graveyard but what do you think will happen?,holds her hand over Otiz mouth so he doesn't spoil the surprise

Otiz: mmmhm mhmmhm! Mhmmmhmmh

So people help on this for me please I only have the ending sorted as I know what is going to happen, hey like JK did she wrote the last book first on the train!

So should I keep the dragons with the originals,who should he rescue and I'm gonna leave the maze roughly as if I can remember it and not going to say what is going to happen at the graveyard it's my little surprise and then we get onto Umbitch afterwards!

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