6. Back to School

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The boys weren't looking forward to going back to the school, Harry was grumbling while he was packing which was slow going as child Otiz was taking the stuff out gain which wasn't helping he was also hiding all of it.

"Otiz stop that right now" said Harry picking up the clothes that he had thrown on the floor only to make the hybrid laugh and run off only to be picked up by Tom with a new ring on his finger, it was the Prince consort ring Severus had the Slytherin ring, it looked like they had finally gotten more forward with their relationship unlike him and Draco but they were now only 14 so they had a while left but smiled.

His father had finally someone to love other than him but they were father and son nothing more, they had spent a whole night talking and it turned out that Severus had known his mother and they were best friends until he had called her something that he had promised never to repeat to another living soul as it was a very dirty and derogative word to any living soul that he came across if they were born to non magical parents which happened to be..........

...........  mudblood  ........

He wanted to know what it meant but one look from his father including Tom he thought better of it, he might just ask his friends what it meant but knowing both of them already like he did it would of gotten to his friends parents so then they couldn't tell him either.

It looked like his father regretted his choice of words to his mother to this day, it was the day that his mother stopped talking to him and started dating his father back in 6th year (A/N not sure) and then four years later he was born and then everything fifteen months later that Tom also regretted leaving poor Harry alone.

He wanted to know that one word but he had promised so he was going it alone to the best of his ability.

"I can see this monster isn't helping you Hadrian" said Tom sitting down on his bed and placed Otiz on his lap and started helping him pack for the year, nine months without being at home but at least both his parents, could he count Tom as his parent, he wasn't sure yet, were going to be at the school so he could always visit but that wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to be able to see the Weasley family even if that meant he was near Ginny, yuck!

He also wanted to be with the Malfoy family he loved baking cookies with Narcissa or Cissa as she wanted him to be called and because of that it also meant that he got to know Draco's cousin Dora more as well as her mother Andromeda and her husband Edward Tonks, it looked like he now had a huge family that all loved him unlike the Dursley's which he had a feeling that Tom was up to something with them.. that or he had his snake Nagini do something.

That snake loved him as well as Otiz, she wasn't so sure about Draco but as she had said "mate is mate" what ever that meant to him, he didn't care he was just happy that he could have private conversations with her and she wouldn't tell as soul or at least she didn't tell Tom he hoped.

"So how come is it taking you fore..." Otiz threw some clothes out again "...now I know" said Tom as he sighed at the child hybrid.

"He's been like this since I got up today he said and I quote "I'm bored so lets annoy as many people as possible" and since I've decided to pack or at least try too in case at hand and each item I put in, he throws out" sighed Harry as he again placed his uniform into his trunk only for Otiz to grab one and tried to throw it out but Tom caught him.

"Don't even think about it or you go into the corner and Severus will take away your treat that he has made for you two" his made him pout and leave the stuff alone.... for now that is.

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