29. Worked it Out

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Everyone was back in school now and were doing well considering that they had just come off Christmas break and the concentration was low but everyone soon got back into studying and meeting up with their friends to tell them about their holidays.

Harry was telling his friends about the wedding if they hadn't been there as it was a New Year's Eve wedding after all, Blaise and Theo were over the moon as Harry's name was now Snape- Sötétség but he chose to just stay as Snape until he was old enough and then he would use it as he was heir Slytherin-Gryffindor-Potter- Prince- Sötétség, but Snape would do for now as he as only 14 and wouldn't be of age until he was 17 at least.

He now had such a long name for crying out loud he didn't know what to do with it all but he was just happy that he now had two parents as well as his godparents and brother and all of their friends and family, he now had something he always longed for since he was left with the Dursley's when he was but 15 months old.

He now had a complete family and he was happy with it all.

He was still having trouble with the damn golden egg that he had gotten from Norberta and the other dragons Flaencdra, Fonniot and Daybursun, he hoped that the other champions had, he thought he was the only one who hadn't figured the damn thing out he was ready to throw it across the black lake even though that was where the next task was going to be he just couldn't figure it all out yet.

"UGH THE STUPID STUPID EGG!" kicks it which it only tipped over slightly, Sora just tapped it with his paw and tried to nom it as he was teething, Coco came flying in landing on it and tapped her tail on it.  

"Guys leave the pretty shiny egg alone, Hadrian is still trying to figure the stupid thing out" said Otiz as he picked up Sora and placed him in his bed for a nap.

"Awe, I wan bites!"

"Um.. no mister and you're teething" and he sighed as he made sure he stayed in the bed.

"So what do we do about a teething Kitsune kit then Otiz?" asked Harry as he was now staring at the ceiling of the Slytherin dorm.

"Nothing really"

"Oh, ok then"


Classes had ended for the say and Harry was outside getting so fresh air while Otiz tried and failed to get Sora down from the tree when Cedric came over and smiled.

"Thank you for helping us with the first challenge I would of never thought that they would do dragons, it was so dangerous and if we hadn't of know we would of all died and so I would like to help you with the egg as I think you are having trouble figuring it took me awhile but all I can say is 'go take a bath' and don't forget the egg ok" and he soon left.

"What the heck was that about?" he looked at his friends as well as Otiz who was now also sitting in the tree grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"He wants you to go and have a bath with the egg is he mad?" asked Theo to the others.

"Seems like it the only baths in school are the Perfects baths and you are only a 4th year so you might have to sneak into one" said Blaise as he ate an apple.

"Or ask uncle Sev if you could use it, up to you Hads really".

"I'll think about it", looks up at Otiz and Sora who was on his head "you coming down here or should I leave you two alone?" Otiz jumped down, you could hear the whee from Sora as he 'flew' through the air and onto the ground.

Harry thought about it for a few minutes and then headed inside he wanted to work the damn egg out that had been plaguing him since the first task and so he went in search of his father.

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