33. Evil Meetings

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When Dumbledore opened the meeting everyone turned to him like the sun shone out of his arse, they were in his 'glow' like he was 'god' but he was anything like that sadly

"Welcome my friends to our meeting thank you for coming all his way I know I had to take some of you out of your very important meetings but we are The Order of Scylla and Charybdis, two very powerful creatures and here we have the best of both worlds, we are Magical as well as Muggle", the Dursley's scoffed again, they didn't want to be near these 'Freaks' but they wanted to have payment like they did beforehand.

Ron looked up at the 'Headmaster' and smiled his mouth was still full of food as he hadn't stopped eating.

"Ron stop eating, the Headmaster needs our attention" said Ginny only to notice the painful look on her brother's face.

"Gin don't every time you say my name I feel like someone or something is squeezing my heart making me feel ill, you will have to call me that Muggle name I was give which is Maxwell, I hate it but if I don't want to feel like I'm dying it has to be that name, plus look" showed her his wrists and it looked like Lady Magic had marked him as a traitor.

"Gin don't every time you say my name I feel like someone or something is squeezing my heart making me feel ill, you will have to call me that Muggle name I was give which is Maxwell, I hate it but if I don't want to feel like I'm dying it has to ...

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"I have this on my ankles as well but it seems only those with magic can see them as when I showed them to the 'family' that I'm with they called me crazy and I still have to see people and everyone thinks I'm crazy as Hippogriff Shit!"

Every magical looked at the marks and Sturgis laughed at him.

"Those are the marks of Lady Magic you will never be able to get rid of them, your magic has been completely sealed there is no way to get it back, you have created a great sin and by the looks of it you are marked as being cast out as well" he laughed again and then went silent every time he said something that was related to the Unspeakables he would end up paying the price of force silence which depending on the offence could last for days to weeks to even months which suited Dumbledore just fine if you asked him.

The Dursley's didn't see a think and looked at the crazy old man like he was insane, it looked like between the parents that they wanted out and so he casted another spell to keep them with him, like he had done since he created this Order he just wished he could have his Order of the Phoenix back and not this rag tag bunch of idiots.

"Let's get down to business, I am hoping that each and everyone one of you know your places, my dearest Petunia and Vernon I hope that you will keep your home open and accept Harry back with open arms once I get him back under my control, he needs your loving 'care' that you have given to him since he was nothing but a babe" he smiled at them with his grandfatherly smile that he was famous for making them nod at him, he had used his glasses and his wand under the table to place spells on them once again.

"Elphias and Delalus my dear boys I need you to still track what Harry is doing the boy is being drawn to the dark side and we need him to defeat Voldemort", everyone shuddered at the mentioned to the name.

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