26. A Dance to Remember

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The Yule Ball was in full swing, everyone had welcomed the champions to the front of the Hall were Tom and Severus had finally split up and were blushing like mad, Asphodel was still sitting on Tom's shoulder he had a strawberry with him and was munching on it happily.

Nova was attached to Severus' hair and wouldn't let go, she wouldn't even move to somewhere safer when she slipped she just grabbed his hair tighter making him wince slightly as his hair was pulled, she was happy where she was thank you very much!

"Welcome students and staff alike to Hogwarts Yule Ball of 1994, we welcome the students of Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, we have all come together to participate in something dangerous but I would hope that in time we all become friends even if for this year" said Tom to everyone as he bowed slightly to them all, making everyone shocked at this.

Minerva stepped forward and smiled "we gather here tonight to enjoy ourselves and make new friends, please champions step forward so then we can open this Ball with the first dance" everyone clapped to this and soon the champions were dancing.

Everyone was surprised that Harry was dancing with Draco and this made Pansy so mad that she almost ripped the blonde from him but one look from Otiz who was close to Luna Lovegood had her rethinking her plan.........

.................at least for now that was.

As the four couples danced away to the soft music that was playing everyone watched and Tom and Severus tried to sneak away but Minerva kept them into the Hall which made their new familiars giggle and started to babble at them.

This made them sigh as they were telling them what a cute couple they made which made Otiz laugh, he was holding Sora his back legs handing in front of his stomach he was very content at being held.

Once the champions had finished dancing everyone joined in on the dance floor, Draco was pulled away from Harry by none other than Pansy Parkinson she wasn't happy what she didn't except was Coco popping up from his shirt and biting her which she was then flung to the floor.

"Stupid animal, come on Drakie poo, you don't need to be with Potty anymore, what would your parents say that you were with him when we are meant to be together I can't find why in the life of me why you would find anything nice with Potty" and she tried to bring him into a kiss only for Theo to grab her.

"Pansy can't you see that Draco is with Hadrian, they have been together for a year now, so stop  you're going to embarrass yourself as well as your family name if this continues".

"No way Drakie is meant to be with me and not Potty!"

"Pansy listen to yourself for a second, please. We've been friends since we were little and you know for a fact that the contract got cancelled back in second year as your parents saw what you were doing and that Draco had no interest in you at all, he even came out that he was gay of all things, he was twelve when he did and both parties were happy about it all" said Blaise as he came over from the drinks table with the Greengrass girls.

"I don't care we were betrothed since we were five and I won't have something so stupid like being gay will stop me! it wasn't cancelled! OUR CONTRACT WASN'T CANCELLED!" she burst into tears.

Everyone knew that her father Pharrell and her mother Persephone had cancelled the contract as they saw what she had been doing, she was forcing Draco into games and demanded that the Malfoy's paid for everything when the families met up or to chaperone as she was going to become the future Lady Malfoy and no one was going to stop her. 

"His name is Hadrian Snape, he isn't a Potter anymore" whispered Otiz into her ear making her jump as well as everyone else, "sorry about that Heir Zabini and Heirs Greengrass, but I just want to make it clear you mess with their relationship I will end you..." spins Luna out and went to dance with her. 

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