part twelve

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Dreams POV

Techno pulled me closer and let out small whimpers. I started shaking and gripped the back of his shirt. Techno pulled away and looked at my full body. "Where have you been..?" Techno asked in a soft weak voice. I looked at him with a look and he understood completely. "You're ok now.." he said and pulled me close again.

Techno's POV

I felt him shaking and rage filled my vision kill a voice said in my head. 'no dream needs me' I thought and shook my head. I saw the door open and Phil pop his head in. "how is he..?" Phil asked and opened the door the rest of the way. I glanced down at him and shook my head. "you should give him a bath.. I could help" Phil suggested and walked into the room closing the door behind him. "We could try that.. but I don't think he will be comfortable.." I said and rubbed dreams back softly. I heard dream whimper a few times and my ears flooped. "Hey do you wanna take a bath..?" I asked him softly and he started shaking more. I couldn't see his wings so I thought they where tied behind his back. I slid my hand under his hoodie and worked on taking the wires off his wings. He let out more whimpers as I got the first wire off. I got the second one off and tried to open his wings for him. He let out a loud whimper and gripped my shirt tighter. "Come on let's take a bath.." I said softly to him and he nodded slightly. I picked him up bridal style and carefully walked to the bathroom. "You need anything let me know please!" Phil said from the door way and then I heard the door shut softly. I sat him down on the floor and slid off his hoodie. He had a bunch of bandages on his chest and arms, even some on his neck. I grabbed the edge of his pants and he started shaking badly. "Hey hey.. don't worry I won't do anything to you.." I said and put my hands on his face. I wiped the tears that had started falling. I moved back to his pants and slowly pulled off the black shorts. He had bandages all up his legs some even had blood seeping through. I removed the bandages and sat him in the bath tub. He grabbed my hand tightly and let out whimpers.

After the bath
Dream POV

Techno lifted me out of the tub and wrapped me in a towel before walking back to the bedroom. "feel better..?" He asked in a soft voice. I nodded and hugged him tightly. "let's get you changed.." he said and helped me up in front of my dresser. He took the towel off and found one of his hoodies and put it on me. He pulled out back shorts and put them on me as well. "There" he said and walked behind me. I started shaking and felt his hands on my wings again. I felt him open it completely and I tried opening the other one by myself and let out a small yelp. He opened my other wing and I didn't feel any pain at all. I turned around to face him. "Wake up" someone said and I looked around. Techno put his hand to my cheek and then slapped it harshly "Wake up" he said. I shot up in the old room that I was in at George's house. "No no no no no" I kept whispering and I started crying again. "You know what time it is love~" George said and pinned my hands above my head.

A few hours later
Third person POV

Dream was curled up on the small mattress in the corner of the room with cuts and open wounds, but he didn't feel anything.. no pain no sadness just numb.. "that was fun~" the brunette said and walked out of the room. Dream slowly sat up and hugged his knees to his chest pulling down his dress. He had one though in his mind techno will fine him was all that was repeating on his head. But nothing could change the trauma he had gotten from the past 3 years. He just wanted to be in techno's arms after so long. He let the tears run down his face and he hid his face in his keens. He hasn't had a good meal in 3 years, it was always bread or left overs from George that he got. He heard someone bang on the front door. "I'm coming!" George yelled and walked to the door. "Swat team we suspect that you have a young boy named dream in you possession." The lead swat team member said. Dream crawled over to the door and started hitting in it as hard as he could. "shut up in there!" George said and turned towards the door. "Put your hands up where I can see them" one of the swat team members said and pointed there gun to his head. George raised his hands as another one walked up to the door. "Help.. p-please.." dream made out and curled up by the door. The swat member open the door and scooped him up. "Found him sir" he said and walked back to where George was being detained. Dream gripped onto the swat member not wanting to let go. "P-please d-dont be a dream.." he kept a whispering.

When they get to the station

"Dream we will be asking you a few questions.." the police man said and put his hands on the table. Dream nodded and held the blanket tighter around him. "Would you like a pen and paper?" The police man asked and got up. Dream nodded again and the police man grabbed a piece or paper and a pen before walking back over to him. "Here you go" he said and sat down again. Dream just wanted to see techno so he wrote one sentence on the paper. I want technoblade.. please..

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