part one- meeting and a petal.

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(this will probably mostly be in dream POV I will tell you if I do switch POVs)

I was walking through the forest with Tommy and tubbo in hand. They where both 4 and twins. I reached a cottage in the middle of the woods and knocked on it. A man with a green hat, green eyes, blonde hair, and has grey wings showed up. "Hello mate" he said and keeled down to my level. I was only 16 and already had two kids. I looked away and handed him both Tommy and tubbo. "What's this? Aren't you to young to have kids?" He asked and I looked at him and nodded. "Then why do you have two kids?" He asked and picked up Tommy welcoming me in. I didn't like talking especially about the incident... I just shook my head and slowly stepped inside. I saw two boys one my age and one a little older. The younger one had brown to pink faded hair and blood red eyes, and the older one had curly brown hair and brown eyes. I waved and they waved back. "Techno wilbur there's two will be your new siblings" the older guy said and picked up tubbo. "W-willbur.. t-techno?" I repeated. I never really knew how to speak or wright because me and my family grew up poor and no money to go to schools and learning. Both of them looked at me "that's us!" Wilbur said "that's philza or as we call his dadza!" Techno said and pointed at Phil. I made a motion that I need a piece of paper and a pencil. I saw techno run off and grab a paper and pencil. He gave them to me then sat on the floor next to me. I couldn't spell or wright correctly. I showed Phil the paper and he gasped. I saw out of the corner of my eye techno tilt his head. "Dadza? What's r@pe?" He asked and I put the paper down tears filling my eyes. "It's nothing you have to worry about" Phil said and took me to a room. I looked at him with fear in my eyes and moved away from him to the corner of the bed and covered my head. I felt a hand on my head and I relaxed slightly. Then he pulled my arms away from my face and pulled me into a hug. I stiffened up more not knowing what this was. "W-wats t-tis.." I made out and poked at Phil's arms. "It's called a hug" he said with a tear streaked voice. "What's a h-hug?" I questioned and sat back down on the bed. He explained it the best he could. "S-so i-it h-helps w-with keeping p-people s-safe?" I asked and he nodded. "When was the last time you smiled?" He asked me and I looked down. I just shook my head. "You've never smiled?" He asked and I nodded. I looked up at him through my mask. It was a smiley mask it was the only thing I had from my mother before she passed away. He took off my mask and saw all the open cuts and wounds. "Where did these come from!?" He asked and grabbed a med kit. "p-papa.." I responded with as he bandaged my face. "That's it I'm teaching you how to defend yourself." He said as he finished I nodded.

~a few years later~

I swung the sword at one of the dummies making it fall. I looked at my watch. "By papa!" I said and changed before running out back home. I walked in "I'm home.." I said and walked in completely. I saw George on the couch and I immediately backed away from him. "Oh hello~" he said and got close to me. "Where have you been all day love~?" He said and put his hand next to my head he was significantly taller. I ducked under his arm and took off out the door. I could tell he was right behind me so I ran right to the forest. I was slightly faster then him. I made it to Phil's house and ran right in. I hid behind Phil. "Hey what's wrong dre?" He said and pat my head. Just as he said that George ran in. "Give him to me" he said and I gripped onto Phil tighter. "No" he said and drew his sword techno and Wilbur saw and did the same. George drew his sword and I ran up to to techno's room. I jumped into the bed as I heard clanging from down stairs. When it stopped I heard footsteps coming up to my room which was right next to technos. Then the footsteps made there way to techno's room. I hid in the corner of the bed. I felt someone's hand on my arm and they slowly pulled it away. I looked up and saw techno in front of me and Phil and Wilbur by the door. I hugged techno tightly and coughed. He hugged back and rubbed my back calmly. I coughed more and more. I put my hand to my mouth and saw splatters of blood on it. I quickly hid it. "Dream what's on your hand?" Techno asked and put me on the bed. He sat next to me "nothing" I said and got up to walk out. I sat down at the table and Phil walked up to me. Before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and saw the blood. He pulled me to his office. "Do you know what this is?" He asked and started looking through the books on his shelf. "No? But I have had this feeling *cough* that something was in my throat for a while" I said and sat down in front of his desk. "It's called hanakai it's a really rare disease only a few people in town have it. But it looks like yours progressed faster then normal." He said and sat a book in front of me. "How does it start?" I ask and open the book. "Where you think that the person you love likes some one else or you think they don't like you" he said and turned to a page on the book. It had a blue flower, a golden rose, a pink carnation, a white lilly, a half blooded flower petal and a fully blooded petal. I put my hand to my mouth and coughed something up. I pulled my hand away and saw a pink petal. I showed it to phil and he pointed to the pink carnation. "It's a sign that your loves favorite color is pink or there associated with that color" he explained. "This one" he pointed to the half blooded flower petal "means that the petal bundles are coming where is like a flower but with out the stem. And this one" he pointed to the fully blooded one "means that you'll die soon. It's full flowers stem and everything. Soon after this you won't be able to breath and will suffocate." He explained to me. I felt my eyes tear up. He gave me a gentle hug. I knew it was someone I met a few years ago and lived with ever sence. We got to know a lot about each other. To our favorite sport to our least favorite sibling. I didn't want that to go to waist. But then.. he could like some one else.. besides he's part of the royal family. He told me he ran away because of how he was treated. Phil pulled away from me and I got up and walked out with out a word. I walked straight to my room and flopped down on the bed.

Hope you enjoyed!
I will try to keep a regular posting schedule but I probably won't be available to! So let's see how it goes.

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