Chapter 38

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The day after Naruto's promotion, he decided to check up on his recovering teammate. Unfortunately, he has been neglectful these days, and he wanted to remedy that now. So he gets ready for the day. He forgoes his usual orange jumpsuit and chooses the traditional jonin and chuunin blue jacket and pants, a weapons pouch on his right leg, and the Uzumaki swirl on the shoulders. Then, he puts on his flak jacket and heads out. If anyone had seen him from behind, they would have thought that the fourth Hokage had come back as a thirteen-year-old

When Naruto opens the door to Sasuke's room, he sees Sakura sitting next to the listless Sasuke, trying to feed him some apples. "You okay, Sasuke?" Naruto asks to gain the attention of the occupants. Sakura almost drops the plate in her lap and jerks her head towards the voice. However, she relaxes when she sees that it is just Naruto. "Hello Naruto," She greets. Naruto waves back before walking up behind her. "I didn't know you made chuunin," Sakura states. "Yeah sorry about that, it was just yesterday. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it," Naruto says while scratching the back of his head.

Sasuke adopts a stern scowl. He was being left behind again. He jerks his head towards Naruto. "You and me, up on the roof, now," He says. Naruto hadn't seen him this angry since the mission in Wave, where he unlocked his Sharingan. He storms off. Naruto looks toward Sakura as if she knows what is going on. She shrugs, not sure either. Naruto walks up to the roof, hands in his pockets, hoping to sort out what was going on with Sasuke. He sees an impatient Sasuke waiting for him among many drying sheets when he steps onto the roof. "We will fight, right here, right now," Sasuke demands. "Hold your horses a bit. Why would we fight now?" Naruto says while putting his hands before him, trying to ease the situation. "I want to see your strength for myself. You shouldn't have something to worry about, right Chuunin?" Sasuke snidely says, activating his dojutsu. Naruto notices that Sasuke probably did it unconsciously.

"We aren't in the academy anymore, this isn't the chuunin exams. This doesn't even seem like a friendly spar. So, why should I fight you? We are teammates aren't we?" Naruto asks pleadingly. Sasuke scoffs. "I want to fight you!" Sasuke says seriously. "I want to show you that I am stronger than you! Or are you to much of a pussy to fight me!" Sasuke screams at Naruto. "You wanna know why you didn't chuunin...?" Naruto says quietly after contemplating his words. "Tell me then!" Sasuke screams. "You don't think before you act, you can't lead and you are prone to emotinal outburst!" Naruto rambles as he counts the number of character flaws in Sasuke. "Now all of this would have been fine if you had an ounce of humility in your body," Naruto continues. "But you don't. You have a lot of growing up before you are ready to shoulder the responsibility that comes with being of a higher rank," He ends his rant. "Shut up!" Sasuke screams as he starts running toward Naruto.

Naruto being ready for that, blocks the incoming attack easily. "You are predictable..." Naruto criticises his form. "I said shut up!" Sasuke screams. Naruto forces him to jump back. "If we're doing this, you need to put on your Hitai-ate," Naruto states. "You aren't going to be able to harm my forehead," Sasuke states cockily. "Baka... It isn't for protection. It is to show that we are fighting as equals," Naruto says as he adjusts it on his head. "I said! I don't need it!" Sasuke says as he goes in for another attack. Naruto blocks this one again. "I won't attack until you have it on!" Naruto seriously says as he blocks strike after strike. "Your funeral!" Sasuke yells at him as he gets a gut punch to connect. Naruto gets taken by surprise. He didn't expect Sasuke to get through his defences. Naruto hops back a few paces. He retakes a defensive stance after steading his breath.

Sasuke is getting impatient, so he goes through the hand signs. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" He screams and blows all the sheets into smithereens. Naruto does some hand signs as well "Doton: Doryūheki!" Naruto screams out, and a big dirt wall shields him from the incoming flames. "We can't do this all day Sasuke! I will out last you both in stamina and chakra!" Naruto screams out. "Shut up!" Sasuke screams as he readies a Chidori. Naruto sees the raiton crackle in his hand and panics. His Doton wall isn't going to stop that. Neither is anything Mokuton. "Rasengan!" He screams out; the answer is so apparent. He wouldn't have to dodge him if he could meet the Chidori with his Rasengan. Sasuke runs forward at full speed. Naruto tries to match where Sasuke will place the Chidori with his Rasengan as he sprints forward.

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