Chapter 37

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Naruto and his companions are nearing Konoha. Naruto was still in the front of the party, bubbling with energy. "Hoho! I can see the walls from here!" Naruto screams back to the rest of his travel buddies. "It is good to be back... There is something I never thought I'd say..." Tsunade says she had a slight smile on her face. She said it primarily to herself, but Jiraiya heard. He smiled at his pupil. He honestly had an extraordinary ability to pull people towards him.

Naruto runs up to the booth at the opening of the gate. "Senju Naruto is back, and I brought presents!" He says to the guards. "Please, Senju-sama, calm down," The guards sweatdrop at the enthusiasm shown. "Senju-sama..?" Naruto asks the guards. "Yes, you are of the Senju clan, right?" The guard asks back. "Yeah... But no one has ever called me "Senju-sama" before," Naruto comments. "What is the hold-up?" Jiraiya asks as he walks up to Naruto. "He called me Senju-sama, I got confuesed," Naruto says honestly. "Why wouldn't he call you that?" Tsunade asks as she walks up to them. "Tsu...Tsunade-hime?!" The guard screams out when he sees who it is. "Will you let us in now?" Tsunade asks. "Of course," The guard lets them in with a bow. Naruto jumps in.

"Right! You have to see my friend he got hit by a Genjutsu pretty hard. I was able to heal the physical wounds but I didn't dare touch his head," Naruto says as he rubs the back of his head. "Good choice. The head is a fickle thing," Tsunade says as she strokes his head. "Also Lee, another friend, got hurt during the Chunin Exams. It was bad enough that I didn't want to touch it at all," Naruto says with a lot less enthusiasm. "Let's have a look at both..." Tsunade picked up on his shift in attitude.

Naruto leads Tsunade to the hospital by hand. Something she took great pleasure in extending for as long as possible. He takes her up to Sasuke's room and meets Sakura there. It was clear she had been there almost every day since he got admitted. "Yo! Sakura-chan, I brought someone to help Sasuke!" He announces loudly. Tsunade giggles at his cheerfulness. "Who... are you?" Sakura asks the mystery woman. "Right! Sorry forgot to introduce you," He says as he scratches his head. "This is my aunt: Senju Tsunade," He says and gestures towards Tsunade. "And this is Haruno Sakura, she is my female teammate. And Sasuke Fangirl extrodinare," He says as he gestures to Sakura.

Sakura blushes and tries to punch Naruto, but he quickly sidesteps the punch to move away. She then tries again but with the same result. Tsunade shakes her head at their bickering. "Okay, thank you, Naruto for the beautiful introduction," Tsunade says as she moves closer to the girl. "I hope we can get along," She says as she bows slightly at the girl. Sakura, herself, stops her assault on Naruto for a second and processes the name. 'Senju... Tsunade. Like the sannin. Not "like", THE sannin!' She exclaims in her head. "Yes! Right! Absolutely!" Sakura spews out in quick succession and bows deeply. "Let's see what we have here then. Come on Naruto I'll show you what to do when treating mental trauma," Tsunade gestures for him to join her.

What followed was a helpful lesson on how the mind works and a quick session on healing it. Sasuke woke up not long after they had tended to him and Sakura threw herself at him as soon as he did. "Can you take a look at Kakashi-sensei as well he seems to have gotten hit by the same Genjutsu," Sakura says after letting go of Sasuke. "Kakashi-sensei? Since when was he hit?" Naruto asks his teammate. "Since before Sasuke-kun..." Sakura explains. "Let's leave the lovebirds," Naruto says as he runs out. Sakura blushes again and screams at Naruto. Tsunade shakes her head, sighs and follows him out.

The process was the same when they healed Kakashi. Except he got a light scolding from Tsunade about not getting himself caught in stupid things. Something Naruto found irrationally funny. He was even sniggering openly at him—something the older man found very annoying.

Lee was next. Naruto saw that it wouldn't be a nice, calm talk as soon as Tsunade saw Lee. Guy had decided to tag along. "You should skip this one, Naruto," Tsunade says before going into an examination room. "I... I'll go with. Lee is my friend and it won't be good news by the look on your face. He will need a friend," Naruto says as he walks into the room.

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