Chapter 6

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Konohamaru was staring bug-eyed at the older boy in front of him. 'So this is Naruto, huh?' was the thought that went through his head. "Hello there. We're done here right?" Naruto asks. Just as he does, a new head pops into the room. "Honorable grandson! There you are I have been looking all over for you." He said. "Yes Naruto, we are done here you can leave. However could you come to my office tomorrow?" Lord Third says. Naruto nods and leaves. "Ebisu you need to have better control over Konohamaru here." He continued in a stern voice. "Of course lord third. My apologies. Honorable grandson you should mix yourself up with people like him, or you will never be able to become the Hokage, but if you stay with me, you will get there in no time you hear that Honorable grandson." Ebisu started spewing. "I think he left to look for Naruto," Lord Third said in a calm voice. Ebisu panicked as he left the room to look for the small boy.

Naruto walked into the Hokage's office. "So, do you know why I called you in here?" The Hokage asks, a serious expression on his face. "Yeah. That I know, it's because I know what I am." Naruto answers. "I like to read, and it came up. It made sense to what I have been feeling, and the disgust from the villagers who don't understand fuinjutsu." He continues. "I see. I guess I owe you an explanation." The Hokage sighed. "The story starts on the day of your birth. The previous Jinchūriki, your mother, was to give birth to you, and it was all going well until you were out. Something happened. I don't know what, but my wife, a retired ANBU, was killed, and the Nine-tails were out of your mother. Giving birth weakens the seal that holds it in. The fourth was held up fighting someone, the one we believe was behind all this. He was able to seal the Nine-tails in you at the cost of his life." The Hokage explained. Tears were silently running down the whiskered cheeks of Naruto. "Who was my father?" He choked out. "I think you know." was all the Hokage could say. "I want you to say it! I want you to say that my own father condemned me to this life! I want to hear how someone could do something like that to his own child!" The anger was evident in Narutos tone. "Stop! Your father loved you more than you could ever know. He loved you so much. As did your mother. I never saw them happier than when they got the news that she was pregnant. Your father had so much faith in you that he made it easier for the fox to get out just so that you could master its chakra." The Hokage was crying now as well. "Your father loved the village. He had faith that you would be seen as a hero who held back the fox. That was his flaw, not that he didn't love you or anything like it." he calmed down and sat down in his chair again. he hadn't noticed when he stood up. "He couldn't ask someone else to do something he couldn't do himself." He calmed down enough to finish the sentence without any more tears. Naruto was speechless; he was loved, wanted. He wasn't some accident or demon or whore child or whatever the horrible villagers had said to him. "Now, what are you going to do with this information?" The Hokage asks. Naruto rubbed out the tears and said: "What else? I will become the greatest Hokage the village had ever seen dattebayo! And I never go back on my word!" He said as he put out his arm as if asking for a fistbump. "Good, because I need you to be wary of some people. Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. My advisors, they have the civil council by their ear. Be especially wary of Danzo. I can't tell you why without him figuring out, but don't trust him." The Hokage warned. "Now enough serious subjects. Why, oh why did you teach my grandson that, that kinjutsu." watching the Hokage struggle for words was amusing to Naruto. "Kinjutsu? I didn't teach him the Kage Bunshin." He played innocent. "No, I mean the Oirike no Jutsu. I just made it a kinjutsu; it's too powerful." The Hokage explained. "I mean, who could say no to that kid. haha." Naruto chuckles guiltily as he scratches the back of his head. The chewing out he got afterwards was the stuff of legends. The secretary staff passed it on to the newer staff members for years to come. It showed how mighty the Third was as he could chew out the strongest Hokage without recourse.

Today was the day of team placement, and Naruto felt both excited and anxious. He was walking down the main street. As he did, he saw someone he didn't expect: Ino Yamanaka. He forgot that the head of the Yamanaka's run a flower store. He loved gardening. Obviously, some might say (If they knew about his mokuton.). He walks up to the girl, who was also going to the placements. "Hello, Ino." He says as he comes within speaking range. Ino jumped slightly, not expecting a voice from behind her. Especially not Naruto's. He had a bit of a reputation of being a prankster. But he didn't talk much to the people in their class, except for Sasuke. Many of the girls, her included, had a crush on the brooding Sasuke. They all were jealous of Naruto's relationship with Sasuke. Sasuke also seemed to change around Naruto, being more round and warm instead of the cold edginess he displayed to anyone else. Ino hadn't said anything in a while now, lost in her own thoughts. Naruto even took to wave a hand in front of her face. "Hello, Naruto" Ino wasn't rude towards Naruto. She didn't understand the hatred some civilian kids showed towards Naruto. She wasn't his friend or anything. God, no. She was just apathetic towards him. They walked next to each other the rest of the way to school in silence. Naruto didn't know what to say. He didn't talk to girls much except for Ayame, the daughter of the best cook in the village, according to Naruto. But it wasn't the same. It was more sibling banter than as peers. Just before stepping into the school ground, Naruto finally said something: "I'll visit your family store sometime." It took Ino off guard. She was getting used to the awkward silence between them. "You garden?" was the intelligent response that came out of her mouth. She almost hit herself for that. She didn't know him, so who was she to judge. "Yeah, you don't believe me?" a cheeky smile spread on Naruto's face. "No it's not that. We don't see many guys in our shops thats all!" her cheeks were burning as she threw out the first excuse she could think of. She turned away from Naruto not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her flushed cheeks. Naruto didn't know why but he liked teasing the blonde girl. "If you say so! See you later," Naruto said as he ran into the academy. He was leaving an angry or at least embarrassed girl in his wake.

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