Chapter 8

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Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke sat on some stairs looking at their teacher. "How about we introduce ourselves?" The man says. Naruto was still a bit shaken from the first meeting with Kakashi. "Can you hide your presence a bit? My whole body is screaming at me to get as far away as possible from you," Naruto whispered out. "Ahaha, sorry about that. I didn't know you were a sensor," He says with an insincere laugh. Naruto was shocked when the man disappeared from his senses. The only indicator that he was still there was that his eyes told him so. "So introductions. Who wants to start?" Their sensei clapped his hands together as he spoke. "Why don't you start since we already know each other?" Sakura spoke up. 

"Hmmm. My name is Kakashi Hatake. I like some things and dislike others. My dreams for the future... I haven't really thought about it." Kakashi's half-arsed response came out. 'The only thing we learned was his name,' The three younger shinobi simultaneous thought with a clear sweatdrop forming on their temples. "Why don't you start pinkie?" Kakashi interrupted their thought party. 'pinkie' got a bit offended at the nickname but continued anyway. "My name is Sakura Haruno, I like... and dreams about my future..." a squeal interrupted her introduction and a blush spread on her face as she looked towards Sasuke. "I dislike Naruto-baka," Sakura finished her introduction in a harsh tone. "What did I ever do to you?" Naruto sighed as he spoke. Sakura hmphed and looked away from him, and Naruto sighed again. 'Why did I have to have fangirl?' Kakashi thought to himself and sighed though no one noticed. "Alright, Emo then," He interrupted Naruto's and Sakura's little argument. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I like a few things don't dislike many things. And I don't have a dream. It's more like ambition, and it's to kill a certain man." Sasuke presented himself. 'What I expected,' Kakashi thought to himself while Sakura screeched about Sasuke being dark and mysterious. "And last but not least, Blondie," Kakashi finally says. Naruto stood up to his feet and said: "My name is Naruto Senju. I like ramen and Sasuke. I dislike traitors and people who can't separate the scroll for the kunai. My dream is to become the greatest Hokage this village has ever seen." 'Well, at least he has energy.' Kakashi thought with a fond smile. "Alright, so we're going to do survival training tomorrow," Kakashi said. "Ehh... we already did that in the academy," Sakura complained. "Oh, but you haven't had me as your opponent." Kakashi lifted his finger as he countered her argument. "You technically aren't real genin yet. The academy test is just a way to weed out those without talent." Kakashi says with an eye smile. "Come on. I presented myself as a genin in a badass scene." Naruto whined. Kakashi laughed at him a bit. "Well, you aren't gonna like the fact that 66% of those who take the real test fail." Kakashi openly laughed at the shocked faces on all their faces. "See you tomorrow at five a.m and don't eat breakfast, or you'll throw it up."

Naruto was dragging his feet down the main street. It turned out he wasn't ready for anything his sensei was going to throw at him. As he walked past the Yamanaka flower store, he got new energy. He walked in, the bell pinged. "Welcome, Oh, it's just you," Ino says, who stood behind the counter. "I didn't think you would actually show up," She sounded kind of surprised. She noticed the flowers looked a little more alive. 'Weird,' She thought. Naruto walked around the store. He hadn't even replied to Ino's greeting or taunt. He was just basking in the ambient life of the store. He reached and touched a bud, and it felt a little dry. A slight frown spread on his face. "You should water this one, and it will bloom soon," Naruto says. Ino looked at him. Shock was the only way to describe her feeling. Naruto just went against everything she thought she knew about him. He was so gentle and caring. She almost squealed. If she hadn't stopped herself, she would have actually. Naruto's frown turned upside down when he saw the healthy flowers, though. "Was it you who took care of this one?" He asked. "Ye-yes," Ino stammered out; she hadn't done that since the second year in the academy when talking to Sasuke for the first time. "I can tell. It feels very attached to you." Naruto says. Ino feels a little confused. "What do you mean attached?" Ino tried to get him to elaborate. Naruto just put a finger to his mouth in a hush motion and winks. A smile spread on his face. Something about that smile was intriguing. She couldn't quite place what about it was so intriguing, but it was.

Inoichi chose that moment to interrupt the young ninja-wannabes. He opened the door to his home and flower shop, and he saw a young man feeling up one of the blooming flowers. He recognised him as soon as he saw the yellow mop on his head. He knew of the child's parentage. He had petitioned the Hokage for him to get adopted into his home. He obviously didn't get the adoption he wanted. "Hello there Senju-san. I hope you aren't here to prank our humble flower shop." Inoichi says. "You need not worry about that. I only prank those who can't see a difference between a scroll and a kunai sealed inside it." Naruto answers. It seemed Ino was the only one who didn't understand what he was talking about because her father nodded as if he understood. "What does that mean?" She voiced her lack of understanding. "Sorry, Ino, I can't tell you," Inoichi said to his daughter. "I will go see your mother now, so continue your great work here; we will talk later, okay?" Inoichi walked past her but not before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Naruto and Ino were alone again. "Right, I forgot to ask. How's your team and sensei?" Naruto broke the silence that had been building since Inoichi left. "Shikamaru is as lazy as ever, and Choji follows him like a lost puppy. Asuma-sensei feels reliable enough, but I have a feeling he is going to be as lazy as Shikamaru is," Ino huffed. She was clearly annoyed with her team members. "At least you get along. Sakura straight-up hate me for some reason. Probably something stupid like her mother told her to or something." Naruto says with a sad smile. "Why do so many of the civilians hate you so much," Ino asks. She surprised herself with the forwardness of the question. "The nine-tailed fox attacked and got killed the day I was born. Some see me as the reincarnation of the fox; it's a coping measure." Naruto answers her. He told the same lie as when he asked the same question to the Hokage. "I see..." Ino reflects. "I'm afraid you don't. But that is okay..." Naruto says. Ino looks at Naruto in a new light. The boy in his store was complex. A lot more complex than what she thought he was at first glance. She walks up and hugs him. It wasn't anything behind it he just needed a hug in her mind. Naruto is shocked he had never gotten hugged like this before. He hugged her back.

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