Chapter 4

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Naruto was running down the streets of Konohagakure. A couple of angry voices were following after him. He starts to laugh as ran past more store owners. Most have a favourable opinion of him nowadays. And those who don't, well, they had to expect to get pranked by him at some point. He had only gotten better at avoiding those who were trying to punish him after the pranks as well. The only one able to stop him at this point was Iruka-sensei. That was because he knew Naruto would show up to class afterwards as if nothing had happened. He'd get an earful after always pranking people. Most of his classmates enjoyed watching him get chewed out. The rest found it immensely annoying having to start most of the days with Naruto getting into trouble.

Sasuke was in the latter camp but for a different reason. He found it annoying that someone of Narutos skill level would stupe so low. It didn't make sense to him. As a result of the Uchiha massacre, he had begun to withdraw himself from village life. Still, Naruto was always there to pull him back. He hated and loved him for it. Naruto had started filling in the Itachi shaped hole in his life. He wasn't sure how to feel about that.

Naruto was sitting in the classroom, waiting for the graduation exams to start. He had prepared himself for this. Even if he couldn't do the stupid bunshin jutsu, he had gotten a replacement from Tora-sensei. Iruka-sensei walked in soon enough. "Alright everyone calm down!" He said as soon as he reached his desk. No one listened, and the chatter continued as if nothing had happened. "QUIET DOWN NOW!" He screamed at the top of his lungs while using his signature Big Head Jutsu. Naruto never figured out how he does that. He talked to Shikamaru about it, but the lazy Nara never engaged the blonde Senju, so it was usually Naruto ranting at Shikamaru. Everyone quieted down as soon as Iruka-sensei screamed.

"Let's get this started. We'll start with a test, and then we're going onto taijutsu and then finally ninjutsu." Iruka continued in a more reasonable tone and volume. "The test will start now, and it will take 90 minutes to finish," He said as he walked around handing out tests along with his assistant Mizuki. Who had joined in soon after Iruka. "Good luck, Senju," Mizuki said with enough venom to kill an elephant. Mizuki, just like Iruka, was wearing the standard chūnin uniform with a blue shirt with Uzumaki swirls on each shoulder and blue pants. The flack jacket, which signifies their rank, was a deep green with six pouches on the chest. The Uzumaki swirl is also on the back of the flak jackets. Both were wearing their hitai-ate, the symbol of a shinobi's loyalties, around their forehead. Mizuki, however, was wearing it as a bandana while Iruka had it as a headband. Naruto was still wearing his orange jumpsuit. 'Bright orange was going to get him killed one day,' was the prevailing thought among his peers.

Naruto ignored the venom from his teacher, he was used to by now and broke the weak genjutsu he had placed on Naruto's test. Naruto finished the examination without difficulty. He had studied this since he was a kid, after all. The whole class began moving out for the next part of the test: Taijutsu. Naruto was not worried. He was effortlessly chūnin level in both taijutsu and ninjutsu. Genjutsu was hard for him, but he could break most low- to mid-level ones, and iryo ninjutsu was hard to train, but it felt just right when he suppressed the foxes chakra within him.

Naruto was the first to arrive at the training ground and sat down in a lotus position, a habit he developed as he needed to focus. The rest of the class came soon enough. Naruto sat a few meters away from the testing ground. Iruka soon went in front of the class and said: "Alright good job on the theoretical part now were going to test your physical skills." And then he gestured towards his assistant. "Your going to have a spar against Mizuki to test your skills." Iruka said. Mizuki waved with a friendly smile. "Did you hear that Naruto?" Iruka asked. He has clearly given up on stopping the boy from seemingly not listening to him. Naruto lifted a thumb to his teacher, showing that he heard what the teachers expected of them.

Most of the kids who passed were clan kids or kids with clan kid friends. Soon it was Naruto's turn. He stood up from his seated position and walked up towards Mizuki. Mizuki saw this as his chance to put the demon in his place. He didn't care if the monster changed his name or died his hair pink. He would always be an eyesore, devil, demon or whatever. He had tried to sabotage his chances of becoming a shinobi of Konoha. He would get his hands on the scroll of seals and give it to Orochimaru and take his place at his side. Hopefully, he could take the demon out with him. The demon was now standing in front of him in his disgustingly orange jumpsuit. Mizuki would raise the difficulty slightly to put him in his place. Iruka started the spar. Naruto disappeared from Mizuki's sight, and then before he could react, a hard punch found itself in his stomach. Mizuki found himself flying into the academy wall.

Naruto didn't mean to strike him so hard. He just pissed him off so much. Naruto shifted his look towards Iruka, who was staring bug-eyed at the young Senju. He floundered at what to do for a second and then called the match in Narutos favour. The rest of the class had to fight Iruka instead of Mizuki, who still hadn't woken up yet even after being tended by medical personnel. The class was done with the taijutsu before long. The ninjutsu was next, and Iruka and a newly awakened Mizuki sat in the room next to the classroom. People were going in regular intervals and coming back either with or without a hitai-ate of their own.

Finally, Naruto's turn comes up, and he walks into the room. "Alright, Naruto. We need to see a kawarimi, a bunshin and a henge," Iruka said with a smile. Naruto stood in the centre of the room, put his hands in the tiger seal, a henged into a perfect copy of the shodai. Hokage robed and hat on his head, he stood there for a couple of seconds before turning back. "Okay, good job now, kawarimi, please," Iruka approved after he recovered slightly. A poof of smoke and a log took Naruto's place. then Naruto came back. "And finally: a bunshin, please." Iruka said after approving his kawarimi skills. Naruto put his hands in a cross and said: "Kage bunshin no jutsu." Ten perfect copies of Naruto appeared smiling and high-fiving each other. This was not something an academy student was supposed to be able to do. Iruka was about to say something but was interrupted by Mizuki. "Now, now Naruto. we asked for the bunshin not -kage bunshin,". "No. the bunshin is the lowest we accept. If you know a better version its alright." Iruka said, shutting down Mizuki. "Congratulations, Naruto you passed. Come up here and grab your hitai-ate. You deserve it." Naruto let out one of his vibrant smiles. He walked up and grabbed a blue banded hitai-ate.

Naruto was feeling great. Sure he didn't get to be rookie of the year. But who cares about a title like that anyway. He was finally a ninja of the hidden leaf. So, he decided to celebrate at his favourite food joint: Ichiraku Ramen. He had eaten two bowls when Mizuki suddenly sat down next to him. "Congratulations on becoming a shinobi, Naruto." He said with a smile. Naruto said a quiet thank you and waited for what Mizuki could want from him. "You didn't get rookie of the year, though, and with your physical abilities, you really could be. So I'm going to give you a secret test that you can take to get the title." Naruto wondered what Mizuki had in mind. "Go on," he said, and Mizuki smiled. "So your going to need to steal the scroll of seals from the Hokages office." Well, this could be interesting. 

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