Chapter 28

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This can't be right. This geezer was the man who wanted to meet Naruto. "Let's go somewhere where we can talk," The man says as he stands up. His cheerful tone from before was gone, replaced by a more sombre one. "Yeah, sure, whatever," Naruto spews out in quick succession. He almost got whiplash from the sudden shift in the man's tone.

They sat in Ichiraku Ramen. The man had suggested it. Meaning he knew a bit about Naruto. "I hear you managed to get to the Final Round of the Chunin Exam. Congratulations," The man says awkwardly. This made Naruto even more suspicious. Only like four people knew who had made it. Who was this geezer? "I can see your suspision. And it is not unwarrented." The man says. "I know a lot of things about you, and you know nothing about me. It's only natural that you are suspisious. Good even in our line of work," The man says as he looks down into his bowl of ramen. "My name is Jiraiya. And I was your father's teacher," Jiraiya finally introduces himself. Without looking at Naruto. Instead, he looks straight ahead. "I heard you know who that is, I-I am also your godfather..." Jiraiya says as he looks straight ahead.

Naruto nearly fell off his chair; he had a godfather. First, joy filled his heart. He had family. The one thing he always wanted. Then anger. He snapped the chopsticks in his hand. "If that is true. Then why did you leave me in a village where the population hated me?" Naruto asks in a harsh tone. "It has gotten better lately thanks to me switch my last name. But that doesn't excuse your abandomement of me in my early years," Naruto's harsh tone matches the look in his eyes. Jiraiya knew this was coming. He has spent the larger part of the last ten years trying to figure out how to tell this to Naruto without him hating him or the Hokage.

"I wanted to take you with me. I really did. But Danzo and his goons didn't want to let the Jinchuriki leave the village," Jiraiya explains. "Both Sensei and I fought to let me take you with me." Jiraiya says in a sombre tone. "In hindsight, though, it probably was good that you didn't. Not that you being abused by the villagers were okay, but I couldn't do what I do with a small infant," Jiraiya says honestly. "I understand..." Naruto says after he gets his anger under control. "That doesn't mean I forgive you, but you are family, and that is something I always wanted. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and we can start over from scratch," Naruto explains. Jiraiya gets teary-eyed. Nothing would make him happier than to have a relationship with Minato's legacy. "You wanted to train me, right? we can start there and see where our relationship goes..." Naruto adds. "Yeah, I do want to train you," Jiraiya says with a smile.

After eating, Naruto and Jiraiya went to a riverbank to be alone. "I hear you had an ANBU trainer since you were six, so I assume you know how to walk on water," Jiraiya says. Naruto nods. "So we will start by you signing this," Jiraiya says as he removes the giant scroll from his back. He rolls it out. There were some names written in it already. Also, there were some fingerprints underneath the names. One name stood out to Naruto: Minato Namikaze. It stood in neat handwriting. Naruto caressed the name. Signing this contract would make him the same as his father. "I see you found your father's name," Jiraiya says from behind Naruto. "Mm..." Was all Naruto said. "He was a great man, The smartest man I have ever met. And man was he fast. Even without his Hiraishin no Jutsu," Jiraiya says with a nostalgic smile gracing his lips. "I believe you will surpass him. Especially with that Kekkei Genkai of yours..." He says in a teasing voice. "So, you know?" Naruto asks while snapping his head towards his new teacher. "About your Mokuton, yes. I also know about the fox," Jiraiya says.

"Now come on, sign your name here, and place your five fingers in the box below. You need to use your blood as ink," Jiraiya urges him. Naruto bites his thumb, spreads the blood over his thumb and spells out his name, and presses his blood-covered fingertips into the box. "Now, I'll teach you your ace in the hole. The Kuchiyose no Jutsu." Jiraiya says. "You do these seals Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram after you have a small blood sacrifice. Then you put your hand to where you want to summon the toad and say: 'Kuchiyose no Jutsu'. Mm, we will start there," Jiraiya says while nodding. "How much chakra?" Naruto asks. "As much as possible. You need to meet with the Boss anyway, so try to summon him." Jiraiya waves him off. And he walks off to spy on some poor girls again. Naruto sighs. What was he going to do with a teacher worse than Kakashi?

Naruto bites his thumb. A drop of blood appears. He then goes through the hand seals. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Naruto screams as he puts his hand on the ground. A spiderweb of markings spread from his hand onto the floor. Then a poof of smoke explodes, and a small green frog appears with grey hair and facial hair. He also had big grey eyebrows. Yellow wise eyes look at his surroundings. "Where are you, Jiraiya-chan?" He asks in a relatively loud voice. "Ahaha... Sorry but I was the one who summoned you," Naruto says awkwardly. "Did you now... Let's go talk to Jiraiya-chan. We need to sort this out," He says as he jumps off in the direction of the toad sage. Naruto runs after the surprisingly fast toad.

Jiraiya was sitting in a bush with his scope, looking at the poor women playing near the waterfall. He didn't hear the toad sage jumping behind him. "Now listen here Jiraiya-chan. You ought too respect women you know," The toad says. "I am respecting them. Just from a far... Wait Jiraiya-chan?" Jiraiya asks out loud. Naruto came running just behind the toad. "Oi wait up... How are you so fast?!" He asks, panting heavily. Jiraiya turns around and sees the old toad sage sitting on a rock with his arms folded over his chest. "Fukasaku-sama?!" Jiraiya screams out in surprise. "Why are you here?!" He asks the now named toad. "That is what I like to know. This kid says he summoned me," Fukasaku says as he points to Naruto with his thumb.

"Amazing, just amazing. You just summoned Fukasaku-sama the first time you tried it." Jiraiya says in disbelief. "So you let him sign the Summoning contract." Fukasaku says. "Yeah. Here look," Jiraiya says as he shows the latest addition to the list of names. "Senju Naruto, huh? Well I'll leave the rest of the frogs. Go ahead and summon us at any time," Fukasaku says towards Naruto with a smile and disappears in a poof of smoke. Naruto throws a peace sign and then passes out. Jiraiya catches him. "Geez what a kid..." Jiraiya says to himself. The sun was already setting, so he decided to take Naruto home for the night. 


A giant poof of smoke erupted in Fukasaku's home. "Welcome home, honey! Dinner is almost ready!" Shima welcomes home her husband. "Thank you," He says as he sits down at the table. "What did Jiraiya-chan want? It is rare for him to just summon one of us." Shima says as she places the food on the table and sits down on the opposite side of Fukasaku. He laughs a bit. "No, it was a child who summoned me today," he smiles. "Oh, did Jiraiya-chan take another student?" She asks. "It appears so. He looked a lot like Minato-chan. Probably his son, he should be around that age," Fukasaku says. "It's a shame he died so young," Shima says as she places a hand on her cheek. "Yeah I know..." Fukasaku agrees. "Let's eat and then tell everyone of this kid," Shima says. "Yeah. Let's..." Fukasaku says.

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