Chapter 16

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Team seven was walking away from their weird encounter with Rock Lee and Guy-sensei. "Oh! You all came. I am glad." A familiarly aloof voice calls out to the team. "What do you mean, sensei?" Sasuke asks in an annoyed voice. "Well, I wasn't sure if all of you would show up." He says, looking towards Sakura. She folded under his gaze. "You wouldn't have been able to compete if you didn't have a full team." He elaborates. "Why didn't you tell us that," Sasuke says through gritted teeth. Naruto nods along with him. "Well, I wouldn't want you to force your teammate to come," Kakashi explains. "Fair enough," Naruto accepts the explanation. "Well, that is all I wanted to say. Good luck," Kakashi says before vanishing in a poof of smoke. Team seven walks into the exam room.

"Oh, so you are finally here? Naruto," Shikamaru says. Ino jumped on Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun, Did you miss me?" Ino says. She was rubbing her cheek against his. "Naruto-kun," he hears a small voice. He looks towards it and sees team eight. "Oh, Team eight, you're also doing this?" Naruto asks. "Apparently, all the rookie teams are doing the chunin exams for the first time in forever. It's so troublesome," Shikamaru says while rubbing the back of his head. "You guys really should learn to quiet down," A new voice said as he walked up the group of rookies. "Who are you?" Kiba asks, the distrust clear in his voice. "My name is Yakushi Kabuto, and you are making a target out of yourself," Kabuto says as he pushes his round glasses up his unremarkable face. The only thing that stood out on his body was his silver hair, which he kept in a low ponytail. Naruto's senses told him that Kabuto had a lot more chakra than the average combatant. "I have information on the people taking the exam and on the exam itself, if you want to listen," Kabuto sits down in front of the rookies. "Oh, so you have done the exams before?" Shikamaru asks the older man. "Yeah, this is my seventh try," Kabuto answers while he rubs the back of his head and smiles embarrassingly. "Tch, so the tests are really that hard... Troublesome," Shikamaru adds in a scoff. "And why should we trust you? I have never seen you in the village before," Naruto asks while eyeing Kabuto. Sakura hit lightly on the shoulder. "Oi, Naruto, don't you see his headband? He is obviously a shinobi of Konoha." Sakura scolds him. "No, he is right to be sceptical. But I promise I don't have any ill intent in helping you. I just want to see my fellow Konoha shinobi do well in the exams." Kabuto explains while raising his hands in defeat.

"Enough! I want info on Sabaku no Gaara, Naruto Senju and Rock Lee," Sasuke exclaims. "Oh, so you know their names. That makes things easier," Kabuto says as he takes a card and places two of his fingers in front of him in a one-handed ram seal and spin the card in the other hand. The blank card starts to show some information. "Here is the information on that Gaara fellow," Kabuto says. "His teammates are Temari and Kankuro, and their sensei is Baki. Not bad he has an unknown number of D-rank, 7 C-ranks and 1 B-ranks, all without getting a scratch," Kabuto exclaims. "Naruto Senju, ninjutsu specialist. Teammates Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, Sensei Hatake Kakashi. 10 D-ranks, 1 C-rank and a solo B-rank mission. He also became the Hero of the Wave not that long ago. How did he manage to do all that since he graduated?" Kabuto exclaimed. "All hard work and grit," Naruto pumps his bicep and has a cheesy smile on his face. But he was worried since the B-rank should have been secret. "When the hell did you do a B-ranked mission, Naruto?!" Kiba exclaims. "Can't tell," Naruto answers Kiba as he puts a finger to his mouth in a shushing motion and winks. Kabuto looks up at the blond and forces a smile. The rest of the rookie sweatdrop at his behaviour. Except for Hinata, who was blushing slightly. "And finally, Rock Lee, taijutsu specialist... no, his other skills are next to zero. Teammates, TenTen and Hyuuga Neji. Their sensei Maito Guy. 20 D-ranks and 11 C-rank. They are probably the strongest team here, from what I've heard." Kabuto says. Sasuke scoffs at that. "There are genin here from Konoha, Suna, Kusa, Ame, Taki and Oto. All of which are exceptional for genin in their own village. Except maybe the team from Oto. They are a small village which formed not that long ago." Kabuto explains. "Kinda makes you lose your confidence," Hinata says with a worried expression on her face. Ino scolds her for her lack of faith in herself.

"The strongest team here, and just because we formed recently doesn't mean we are weak. Ha!" A voice says as it comes closer. The man who spoke up was slumped over and had a bandaged face; only his left eye and eyebrow was visible. He had a straw raincoat on his back and long sleeves, way longer than his arms. His headband had a musical note on it. Naruto hadn't seen it before. He guesses it is from Oto. He looks towards the man and readies a kunai. "You could add Dosu and my team to the list of future chunin!" The now named Dosu exclaims as he stretches his arms and pulls back the sleeve. A weird contraption sat on his arm. It was big and bulky and covered his whole forearm, and the top was littered with holes. He ran towards Kabuto and swung his arm. Kabuto easily dodges but soon after, his glasses shatter, and he falls to his knees and pukes. "What happened́?! I thought he missed?!" Sakura exclaims. "Scilence! You guys can kill each other in the other part of the test," A male voice said from the front of the classroom. He was with a large number of ninja. Dosu stopped his assault on Kabuto, Sakura and Ino tended to a sitting Kabuto. Kabuto thanked the two younger girls. "My name is Morino Ibiki, and I'll be the proctor of the first test. So sit down... You have been given your seating order." The voice in the front of the room commands. Naruto and the rest of the rookies sat down. "Welcome to the Chunin Exams. This is the first test. This will be a written test. You will start with 10 points, and for each wrong answer, you will lose a point," Ibiki explains. "As you can see, we also have multiple chunin watching your every move... They will write you up for any cheating they catch, and if they do, you will lose two points." Ibiki continues. "If you are to reach zero points, you will fail, and you and your teammates will be forced out." Ibiki further explains. "You have 45 minutes for the first 9 questions, and you will be given the last question then. Any questions?" "Your test starts at nine exactly." Ibiki finishes.

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