25|| turning red

14 0 0

"It was a great movie!" Cassi exclaims as he practically jumps off the couch. "Abby is the best, no doubt"

"I like Priya best" Koios mumbles.

"Meimei's cool" Orion comments.

"I personally like all of them" Kuroo says. He wears a smile from watching the movie. They all wear smiles, even Koios. They cheer and run out of the room and back into their own. "My tummy hurts"

"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten too much food then"

"No sympathy?"

"None" you tease him. He laughs and turns away. "What should we do now?"

"I don't know" Kuroo answers, "maybe Stacy would know what to do when you're bored"

"I'll check"


Heyo Stacy


Do you have any ideas on what to do when you're

I'm dying of boredom, help me please

Already that bored?

You just told me that you
were watching turning red

Yeah, well we're bored


Oh yeah, Kuroo and I

Are you freaking out in front of him?

No surprisingly

Crazy am I right?

Really crazy

But I seriously don't know what
you should do with Kuroo

Never had a crush

Maybe you should confess—

Not now

Not ever

We were practicing how to live with the fact
that I have a crush, not that much of c
onfessing to somebody

If anything, he already knows

How so?

You yelled really loud

Isn't that what you told me to do?

Well, I find that there's three
different types of yelling

1. You're mad at somebody

And then there's

2. Yell for the people around you

3. Scream so that the whole world
can hear you

You definitely did #3

Well I'm sorry for not knowing the
three different types of yelling

Maybe you know because you're the one
with anger issues here >:DDD

Oh shut up

Ellie just said to walk around the
neighborhood or to do some weird/
cute things with him

And that would be??

I'm not quite getting it

Some couples do some of their
significant others hobbies so that
they can better bond

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