6|| the witch and her black cat

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"Why did you write witch on your name tag?!" Inuoka exclaims definitely taken back. You left everyone stunned by a simple name tag. You weren't going to explain anything though because they'd find out soon enough. An ash blonde boy comes through the metal doors of the gymnasium, sighing loudly.

"What's with all the commotion in the hallways today?" Yaku groans, "... and for some reason they are talking about some witch that apparently came to our school".

"Yeah hi" you say waving to Yaku. Yaku catches your eye and he smiles at you until he notices your name tag.

"You're the one they're calling a witch?" He asks frustrated now.

"More or less" you respond with a shrug.

"Don't let them call you that [y/n]!" A silver-haired first year says.

"Don't you see? I'm trying to beat them at their own game" you say confidently. They don't get it. "I'm hoping that if I keep doing it to myself it will either become ineffective to me or they will realize it doesn't torment me anymore so they won't do it anymore", you explain.

"That's a big risk [y/n]" Yaku says wearily.

"One that I'm willing to take" you say back. You want their tormenting to stop and the only logical way was to do it the way you proposed since telling the principal definitely didn't work.


"Are you sure you want to get a bad reputation?" You ask Kuroo. He decided to be your guide for the day and so now he was currently walking you to one of your classes. It seemed like Kuroo was already getting bad rep because you happened to be around him.

"Why wouldn't I want to be here?"

You are taken back. "Maybe because everyone is making fun of you because you are around me" you say that last bit sadder. It hurt you that he had to get thrown in the dirt just because he was around you.

"I volunteered to be your guide for a reason [y/n]" he says.

You smiled at him but he wouldn't be able to hold you accountable because he never saw it.

"It's the witch and her little black cat" a girl cackles from the hallway.

"Why do they even call you witch?" Kuroo asks now looking at you with a pitiful look on his face.

Honestly? You don't know. Maybe it was because of that one day you dressed up as a witch for Halloween. Maybe it's because you loved witches and always carried a 'spell book' that was actually from the local book store. Maybe because no one liked you anyways. Maybe it's because if there was any soul in the world that even pretended to like you, they somehow got this pile of bad luck shoveled onto them. Your face grows cold even thinking about it. They started tormenting you after that saying horrible things and preforming similar witch tests like they did for the Salem witch trials.

"I don't know Kuroo, stop asking me" you say bluntly.

Once they even tried telling your parents to stay away from you so they wouldn't get a curse from you. They soon found out that you're dad had to get called back to take part in the armed forces again so they said he left because he didn't want to get cursed by you. Your mother won't mention it to you and your dad doesn't even know a thing those girls said to you.

"How bad was it for you?"

"Bad enough for me to start getting homeschooled"

"Do you regret coming back?"


"Who were the girls that started it?"

"Jessica and Jenna—" you say before catching yourself. As much as you hated what they did to you, you never revealed their names before. And it's not like you don't want to get them into trouble, it's just that you don't want people to know. But here you are telling Kuroo everything about your stupid life.

"Of course they started it" Kuroo said back, "they do horrible things to everybody". He stops at a classroom door gesturing you in.

He hugs you tightly afraid of letting you go. You let him sit there for a few seconds, the fear being reciprocated. "Black cat at your service" he whispers into your ear, going along with your plan. You smile into his embrace before he lets you go. You walk into your class and he walks into his just down the hall.

You find a few familiar faces in the crowd that you call a classroom. Yaku, and then there's Jessica and Jenna. You bow into the class and you take a seat close to Yaku. Yaku slides over his notes to you so that you could review everything since you missed the first half of your class. You smile back and begin reading the notes that he left you.

"He is your black cat" Yaku sighs.

"I know" you say starting to blush, when he first said that you were to upset to notice but now that you were fine and the words were lingering out there, it made your cheeks hot. "We're going to turn things around"

"I want to help you guys" Yaku says.

"Are you sure? You are gonna to be filled with 'bad luck'" you mock Jessica.

"Oh I'm sure, if I wasn't, I wouldn't have said anything" Yaku grins.

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