10|| aftermath

33 1 0


"Kuroo-san!" I hear someone call out as I make my way through the hallway. [y/n] wasn't currently with me at the moment, she was with that new friend of hers. Stacy. It's fine though, I can catch [y/n] another time.

"What happened to your face?" Someone else asks.

I assume they've noticed my face now. If you need a recap, I argued with [y/n]'s mom —don't recommend that— and lost and by lost I mean I got slapped in the face. By the next morning it still stings, slightly red still and it's forming a bruise. Which makes it very noticeable to everyone.

"I bet it was the witch"

"Poor Kuroo-san" another person pities, "I wonder what happened"

"Why don't we ask her?"

I continue to walk away to avoid all the commotion in the hall. Not trying to discourage [y/n] but before she came back to school, there wasn't nearly as much commotion in the halls. Not even half as much as there is now. And all of it is there because of one person.

Is this what it's like being bullied?

Feeling like absolute trash in a matter of seconds?

I personally wouldn't know. I never had this problem. Ever since I joined the volleyball team I always had friends. Now I'm starting to wonder what life would be like if I didn't have all this luxury of not being such an outsider. I escape this claustrophobic hallway and I reach the stairwell where I find my first ever best friend sitting in the window sill, not paying to any of his surroundings as he plays his games. To waltz over and scoot in next to him in the window sill. He scoffs in return but scoots over anyways to make room.

I watch as he plays his level, only losing two times before passing onto the next level. I expect him to just go onto the next level without speaking to me at all but he actually turn his attention towards me. He looks over and his face is immediately filled with shock. "What happened to your face?"

"Um, I argued with [y/n]'s mom and I said things that I probably shouldn't have said" I explain.

"So you got slapped in the face?" He asks with a furrowed brow. I nod in return. "What did you say??"


"That was rhetorical. I don't want to know your guys complete argument"

"I know you, you actually do want to hear the whole thing" i say giving him a knowing look.

"Fine, give it to me"

"So basically I was forced to come over to her house because her mother said so. She was mad that I broke her camera despite me getting her new one to replace her old one" i start explaining.

"Of course she's going to angry about that" Kenma interrupts rudely.

"Well either way, she started yelling at me and apparently I didn't get the hint that I needed to shut up—"

"Like always" Kenma interrupts again. This earns him a playful shove.

"And I said something that offended [y/n]'s mom. End of story"

"What did you say?" Kenma asks all of a sudden more interested.

"Well her mom said something along the lines of 'breaking her camera and ruining the chances of her taking pictures again even though she won't submit them into contests' and I said 'is that all that matters?' she did not like me after that. I kept going to prove my point but she stopped me partway through with a slap to my face" I explain more.


"Hey cap" Nobuyuki says without taking a glance over. He walks off to the locker room like everyone else with his gym bag in hand.

Yaku strolls by already in his gym attire. "What happened to your face?"

"I really don't want to talk about it" i mumble, rubbing the back of my nape. I didn't want to have to repeat myself a thousand more times just to get fun of for getting slapped.

Next thing i know, Taketora, Lev, and Inuoka are all up in my face and being energetic again.

"Yo! What happened to your face?" Lev asks. Taketora ends up chasing him away out of anger.

"Oh hey" Yaku says diverting his attention away.

"I came for my calculator"

"Ah! Let me quick go get that for you" Yaku quickly jogs away to go get this calculator.

"The cat captain is still being irresponsible ay?" They ask.

"I'm not as irresponsible as you think [y/n]" i say back. She giggles in response.

"Sureeee" she drags out with disbelief coming out of her voice.

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