14|| sick kitty

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He's been sick for almost two days now.

You again can't help but think about Kuroo the very next day. He didn't come to school because he was sick but he still hasn't contacted you about anything. But he has been contacting everyone else. That's what made you upset.

But let's not forget about the events of yesterday.

Yesterday there was so much drama that happened with you and being the so-called witch you are. But that's not what's important about yesterday. The importance is that I'm —the author— introducing a new character into the story. Stacy's good friend named Elizabeth —Ellie for short— came back from suspension. Before you ask, she got suspended because she spoke against what was wrong with the school and various problems around the school.

Stacy had filled in Ellie on everything that happened with you and the things that Jenna and Jessica have said and done. Within minutes, you had another ally.

Thank the lords for Stacy.

"Stacy! I can't believe you actually brought a cinder block to school!" Ellie exclaims, snapping you out of your memory.

"I would've totally bashed those girls heads in if it wasn't illegal"

"You totally would've" Ellie agrees.

Stacy happens to glance at you when she finally notices that you are feeling off. "Kuroo isn't here again today is he?"

"Kuroo?" Ellie questions.

"Our little protagonist over here likes Kuroo big time" Stacy says back.

"Maybe I do"

"She finally admitted it, that's a first!"

"What happened to Kuroo?" Ellie asks with actual concern.

"He got sick. He wasn't here yesterday either" you sigh heavily. You missed his bright and happy presence close by.

"I bet he's gonna get better soon" Ellie attempts at reassuring you.

Which failed. Miserably.

You couldn't stop yourself from visiting him. So after school you lied to your mom and said you were hanging out with Stacy at her house but instead you were going to go visit Kuroo.

You probably weren't supposed to do this since you were technically trespassing property. You had snuck through their yard and made it to where Kuroo's room was. You stood outside impatiently because at any minute you could get caught. That caused you to look around frantically to see if anyone had noticed.

I should probably just leave and wait for him to come back.

That's the right choice. That's the reasonable one.

But I want to do the one that follows my emotions.

But when doesn't my emotions screw me over?

You force yourself out of your frozen state and knock on his window.

You hear the window open. "[y/n], what are you doing here?"

"To see you, what else?"

"I'm sick!"

"Which is exactly why i snuck out here" you say. He quickly lets you in after realizing you snuck in. "I didn't think that your mom would let me in since you were sick but I wanted to see you. To make sure you're okay and everything"

"I still don't feel to good, sorry" he said sitting back down on his bed. You take a spot across from him —six feet away. (Sorry for bringing it back from all the crappy covid stuff that was going on). "What happened while I was away?"

"Witch drama" you groan laying on your back, "but never mind that, there's this girl Ellie that came back from suspension"

"I remember Ellie. I was in the same class as her when she got up and started running through the halls yelling about all about the shit that's been happening" he recalls, "that was epic. It wasn't fair that she got suspended for that. She did leave her mark though and that's one of the most important things she's done"

"That's cool that she did that, I'm too afraid to speak out"

"What kind of witch drama?"

You bite your lip. You didn't really want to talk about it but if you were going to tell anybody, it would be Kuroo. "Can i sit by you?" you ask him to which he nods in response. You get up taking a blanket in wrapping yourself in it and sitting next to him. "They said horrible things again today. They said I bewitched you and that's why you had to call out sick. And they tried convincing Stacy to stop being my friend"

"That sounds like Jessica and Jenna's doing"

"Stacy said that they have a new minion, Juniper" you say, "Stacy said no. Speaking of Stacy, she almost bashed someone's head in by a cinder block today"

"That's Stacy alright"

How come everyone knows that's normal for her to do but me? Anyways. "She actually brought a cinder block to school"

"Tell her to keep it in her backpack a little longer, I wanted to do the honors. You did not bewitch me of any sort"

"But you're still sick—" you try to stop him.

"I would still come, just to prove my point" Kuroo grins and you smile back. You rest your head on his shoulder. You didn't want this moment to end. You wanted it to last forever. "Anything else?"

"I saw a sick cat yesterday and it reminded me of you"

"I'm offended"

"You are my black cat aren't you Kuroo? The both of you happened to be sick at the same time, I think it was trying to tell me you were sick that day since you didn't tell me that you were sick".

"Good point"

"Of course it is, I'm the one saying it" you boast.

Black CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora