21|| piggy back rides

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"Why are we doing this again?" You ask as you huddle up in a corner with Ellie and Stacy. Sorry if you have claustrophobia.

"We are helping you!" Ellie whisper-exclaims.

"Helping her give him a heart attack?" Stacy asks skeptically.

Let author clear some things up for you readers. Ellie thought it would be a great idea to surprise Kuroo by coming to his 'great trashcan showdown' that he's been excited about for the past week and a half. But here's the catch, he doesn't know you're there —probably because you're hiding in the equipment closet.

They were out greeting the other team named Karasuno as they came in and so everyone was gone. You three took this chance to sneak into the equipment closet. Later, you would come out and completely shock Kuroo with your presence.

Am I even supposed to be here? Scratch that— are we even allowed to be here?

There's literally no one else here except the teams.

Well duh [y/n] this is a volleyball practice match.

You watch as they start off their first practice through the tiny crack in between the doors — if you are wondering, Ellie and Stacy are playing many rounds of Rock Paper Scissors. The sport surprisingly gives you almost as much joy as it gives Kuroo and that's saying a lot since he loves volleyball.

Watching them play makes you feel the same emotions they do. If they get upset over the ball, you're upset. If you're happy over a great win, you are.

Am I in love with the sport?

There's no way.

You scoff in denial as you continue watching.

What the—

The tangerine boy from the other team, what did he just do?

He doesn't even look that experienced.

Yet you still find yourself smiling over the boy. He brought a shot of excitement and shock into everyone's veins. Even yours. It was truly euphoric. The tangerine is up with his angry-looking-dark-haired setter in the front. You see a blond boy that almost looks like he doesn't want to be there which is weird because he's in the fucking sport. You see another short kid in the back with a blonde tuft of hair next to whom you assume is the captain.

Is that Jesus?

I'm sorry for all my sins sir—

Tall and broad, he looks like he could be either the ace or a blocker.


The Karasuno team had wished to play more than one practice match, thanks to the tangerine boy in the front which resulted in 6 practice matches. You glance over to find Ellie and Stacy napping against the —what I assume— are uncomfortable shelves.

Nekoma bids them farewell and then Karasuno sadly leaves.

Everyone immediately lets out all their sighs and groans now they are finally away and now they have time to rest.

"Time to clean up everyone!" Coach Nekomata calls out.

You watch as they take down the volleyball poles and come towards the equipment room.

They're going to need somebody to open the door, their hands are all full.

Well, here goes nothing.

You peek out your head from out the equipment room to find surprised boys.

"[y/n], what are you doing here?" Kuroo exclaims, clearly surprised.

"Well—" you mutter.

"How long have you been in there?" Inuoka asks, popping out of nowhere.

"That's a really good point, how long?" Yaku demands.

"Um— since Karasuno arrived" you say shyly.

"That long?!" Lev screams out.


"How?" Inuoka asks again.

"You were away greeting Karasuno so we took the opportunity to sneak in" you explain.

"Wait a second, 'we'?" Yaku interrogates crossing his arms.

"Ayo" Ellie mutters, shuffling out of the equipment room with Stacy hanging onto her.


"We wanted to surprise Kuroo by coming to his practice match that he's been excited about for a week and a half" Ellie explains, "it was all [y/n]'s idea though". She nudges you with a smirk.

"You guys did great by the way" you say with a bright smile that took the hearts of many.

"Well Kuroo, be a gentleman and take the lady home" Coach Nekomata gestures.

Kuroo approaches, rubbing his nape. "Well it's really late and you seem tired, I want to walk you home"

"Uhm sure" you take him up on his offer.

Now all you have to do is not freak out and be awkward the entire time.

"Piggy back so that you don't have to walk?"

You slowly climb onto his back and to which he holds you in place by your thighs. There's no way that you are not going to be freaking out this entire time, there's absolutely no way.

"Thanks for coming" he says along the way.

"No problem, I knew how excited you were about it so I wanted to come and support you"

"Even though you were hiding in the equipment room the whole room?"

"Well, I thought that you would get too distracted by my beauty and you wouldn't play the sport right" you joke.

He was not on the same page. "Yeah probably" he said quietly.

He better be joking.

He has to be 🔫

And yet he says nothing along the lines of 'just kidding' or 'sike you really thought' but instead he says, "have a goodnight [y/n]" as you arrive to your doorstep.

And because you are the protagonist, you gotta make things worse for the poor boy, you kissed him on the cheek as a thank you for bringing you home.

^a little note from author: Stacy and Ellie made it home safely. Ellie woke up faster than Stacy so she gave Stacy a piggy back ride as well on their way home. They stayed at Ellie's because it was in the middle of the night but she did leave Stacy's parents a voicemail letting them know where their daughter is. Not that they don't already know.

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