18|| loving someone

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Why'd I have to go and fall in love with her?

She probably only sees me as a friend.

Which makes everything harder in every way, shape, or form.


Can you come over tomorrow morning?

I would love to but I have a meeting with my team this morning

Maybe another time?


Why did I just lie to her?

"Why are you spazzing out this time?" My mother asks coming into the room.

No sense in hiding it, right?

"Well— i figured out that I like [y/n]"

"I thought you had a crush on her since you brought her home that one day" my mother says.

"What do I do?" I whine.

"Don't mess things up"

"Well I don't want to tell her my feelings cause we will probably never be friends again and that's the one thing I don't want happening" i decide.

"You are my son, but how are you so dumb" my mother mumbles, "probably your dad"

The doorbell rings and I go to get it. I answer the door to see my opposite. "Hey Yakkun, good morning"

"I came here to remind you that our volleyball meeting is in like 5 minutes and you haven't even gotten dressed"

"On my way!"


I had finally arrived at our club meeting, later than everybody else. Even later than Taketora or Lev who never show up on time.

"Sorry Coach, won't happen again" i bow before I go join my team.

"He probably was daydreaming about his girlfriend" someone whispers in the crowd.

I stand with Nobuyuki Kai at my one side and Yaku at my other. Kai looks over in disbelief.

"Kuroo? Having a girlfriend?" Kai stifles a laugh.

Yaku nudges my arm, "i bet it's [y/n]-san since he loves her so much" he whispers right over me to Kai.

"Oh I remember her, she's sweet" Kai says facing back forward. He's never been into drama or anything but I guess this I happened to spike his interest.

"Why are none of you paying attention to what I'm saying?" Coach yells over all the murmuring.

"We were trying to figure why captain was late for the first time of this season" Lev pipes up.

"Yeah! He hasn't been late once this entire season!" Inuoka agrees.

"I think it was his girlfriend" Yaku turns around and whispers.

"Kuroo and having a girlfriend? Never thought I'd see the day" Lev says again, laughing hysterically like it's some hilarious joke.

"I was hoping to see the day when your actually good at receives but I guess I'll never see the day!" Yaku yells right back at him. Lev flinches and steps back.

Why is everyone saying that today?

Am i really that unlikeable that it's hard to see me having a girlfriend?

Well screw you guys, you kinda hurt my feelings there.

I was the only one paying attention to Coach today.

Sucks to suck doesn't it?

Anyways, I think practicing for our next practice match with Karasuno will be enough distraction for me.

"I gotta go!" I call out as I jog through the door and back into the school. I immediately run into Stacy who's with Ellie and [y/n]. "Sorry Stacy"

"Why were you in such a hurry?" Stacy asks.

"Well it's obvious he was excited to see me" [y/n] jokes with a mini hair flip.

Well is she wrong?

"Well I'm sorry I couldn't come over this morning, I bet you felt lonely without me by your side" i joke back. Her laugh is short and quiet.

"Everyone has their own things that come up so I don't blame you" she says more serious this time. "What was that team meeting about this morning?"

"Oh! We have a practice match with Karasuno coming up soon. I'm really excited"

I'm weally excited. Why do I sound like a kid when I say that?

Is this the phase of having a crush when you become inevitably stupid around them?

Not looking forward to that.

"Karasunooo" Ellie muses.

"You have no idea who they are, don't you?" Stacy asks right away. Ellie shakes her head. "They're in the Miyagi prefecture"

"Oh! I think I recognize them now"

"No you don't, you can't even name one school from the Miyagi prefecture" Stacy shoots right back. Ellie pouts. [y/n] in the back holds a weak smile on her face.

I wonder why.

"See you guys later, I need to go get my things for class" i say departing from the group.

"See you later!" Stacy exclaims waving goodbye to me.


Now I sit in chemistry class, more distracted than I've ever been.

"Kuroo, do you know the answer?" The teacher asks out. I usually have the answer since I am the top kid in this class.

"Sorry, I do not" i say lowly.

"Is there something wrong?"

"My head just hasn't been in the right environment lately, please excuse me this one time" I ask nicely. One would've expected for me to be brighter than ever since this whole dilemma will be taken care of but who knows will actually happen. Maybe I'm just worried for [y/n]. Like usual.

Let me say this real quick so none of the readers will get upset.

I will protect [y/n] if need be but she is a strong independent woman that doesn't always need to be babysat and influenced on what to say. I will cheer her on and I will be there for her in times of need.

If she wants my protection, I will give her my protection.

Maybe you guys like to be protected and that's completely fine. I can do that too.

But I don't want a single soul to underestimate you at all because they don't notice your true strength whether it be the mind or the body. Either way, you are strong in your own ways.

^a little note left to you by author. Out there are sexist people and I just wanted to be clear that no one should ever underestimate someone or make them feel less of themselves because of who they are.

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