2|| the acedemia is not for witches

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You get early the next morning with only one particular motive: to find Kuroo. You weren't going to search all around the neighborhood to find one guy —that's crazy talk— instead, you were going to Nekoma High to find him. He had to be there. Otherwise both ideas on finding him are absolutely humiliating.

You forgot they had to wear uniforms here so when you walked in the doors of the high school just trying to look like a normal everyday student, you weren't so successful. You stuck out like a sore thumb. The halls were busy and you couldn't see a thing. Kenma. He would know where Kuroo is, if not be with him. You squeeze your way through the crowd thinking of all the possible outcomes of your confrontation. One being, you go up to him and he already threw away every last bit and two being that he actually saved the pieces. Two seemed a little ironic that he would save everything after he purposely broke it. Unless you made him feel guilty yesterday, than two seemed a little more reasonable.

You make it to the stairwell to take a breather while also catching the attention of other boys walking down the stairwell. You look up to see a big window at the other end of the stairwell. Bet that the view is pretty.

You make your way up when you notice the figure inside of the window frame is Kenma. You smile with joy and sit next to him in the window frame. He seems to be playing a game and also pays no attention to you now sitting next to him. He's really good at this game.

"Hey [y/n]" he finally acknowledges your presence after he finishes his level.

"Hi" you say with a yawn, "where's Kuroo?"

"That's convenient" he says, "Kuroo was looking for you"

"Too bad, I'm going to find him"

He looks at you with a small smile on his face before he notices what you're wearing. "Why aren't you in uniform [y/n]?"

"Maybe cause I'm just here to visit" you say, "I don't go to school here".

"Oh". You sit in a moment of silence with him. He nudges your arm a few seconds later gesturing for you to get out of the window frame. He saunters out of the window frame and starts walking up to the next level of the school. You follow close behind. "Here" he says gesturing over to the boy you were looking for earlier right in his seat.

He looks upset, probably because he couldn't find you earlier. Jokes on him ,you don't go here and never will again. He uses his big hands to sweep the hair off of his face before letting out a loud sigh that everyone in the room would be able to hear. He lays his head on the table in defeat and sits there in silence. For a second, you think he went ahead and fell asleep. You were wrong, some guy came up to him and they started chatting right away. The boy he was chatting with didn't look familiar. It seems that Kuroo is a popular kid. Figures. You roll your eyes to go with the thought.

"[y/n], I almost didn't recognize you" a girl says behind you. You looked behind you to see a girl named Jessica looking so pitiful. You remember her from your younger days when you used to go to an actual school and she used to make fun of you. For a second, you thought the she had stopped. You were wrong.

"You forgot to call her by name: witch" the next girl right next to Jessica said. That's Jenna, Jessica's best friend or partner in crime. She was the one who came up with the name witch. She thought it was hilarious back then and she apparently thought it was hilarious now as well.

"Oh right" Jessica giggles, "hey witch, I forgot to ask how you were"

"What does it matter?" You ask.

"Exactly the point" she continues, losing the sweet face, "now why are you here?"

"Well I need to get something from a friend that happens to go to school here" you explain with a half lie.

"The witch has friends?" Jenna pipes in.

"Actually yes, I met him the other day" you say with confidence. Jessica stares at you angrily and with disbelief that you actually have friends. Staring contest, woohoo.

After a minute of glaring at each other Jenna pipes in again, "I gotta go meet up with my boyfriend"

"Wow, the bitch has a boyfriend?" You comment, mocking Jenna from earlier. You start backing away from the two girls with a grin on your face. You hated them with a passion. Thank the lords you don't actually have to go to school. You turn around and find Kenma glancing at you from the other side of the room.

You meet back up with him over there. "What was that all about?" He asks glancing over your shoulder to find the two angry girls still glaring right into the back of your head.

"It's nothing"

"Why'd they call you witch?"

"Will you stop interrogating me?" You ask back. You look away to see Kuroo's eyes looking right into yours. How long has he been doing that? You part ways with Kenma without a word being spoken and you head over to Kuroo.

He looks up at you like you are some artifact that is meant to be praised. You think nothing of it while you sit down right on his desk. He doesn't say a word to you and you came here without a plan about what you were going to say. Again, you sit in silence with your arms crossed. Despite him being inevitably handsome at this moment in time, you were still upset about what he did.

"Um" he speaks up, "what was that all about, with Jessica?"

"I don't want to talk about it" you say closing off from him. If he didn't know, you didn't need to tell him.

"So, what did you come here for?"

"I want to check to see if you have my memory card" you demand.

"Uhm, that's actually at my house, I can bring it tomorrow if you like" he suggests.

"I won't be here tomorrow" you say bluntly.


"I get homeschooled" you inform him.

"I'll give you my address so you can come over later" he suggests again.

"Okay" you say as you get ready to get up and walk away without another word.

"I was looking for you earlier"

"As I was told" you say as you walk out the door. You would just come over later to his volleyball practice when you do your daily exercise.

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