Chapter 114: New House

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Dream POV

It had been a month since our computers first arrived and things were going really well. Our channels and social medias were getting a lot of attention and we were already famous.

We had been recording videos on minecraft mostly, using our coding skills to create different challenges for us to take on and editing them before posting. As much as it was a lot of work, it was also quite exhilarating.

We had a house paid for, using our fair share of money as well as most of George's to get it. We weren't planning on getting a house so soon but the one we had come across was practically perfect and we couldn't miss the opportunity to be able to live some what close to our family.

Our families had been helping decorate the new house considering the size of it was massive. We had to buy a 10 bedroom house so we could each have an office as well, in the end it was going to be the best investment we made. Furnishing took another couple weeks, having beds made and furniture built, and even having to rebuild our setups in the new offices.

We needed to box up our things from home to bring into the house, even if it meant living with little to nothing for a couple days. After another whole week the house was finally ready to be moved into. A key was made for everyone before hand and George's mum took it upon herself to fill the fridge and cupboards with food. It had been a week since I last got to see George and I was excited to finally live with my friends.

However I was not happy about leaving patches behind.

I park my car in the driveway, we made sure that there was space for all 3 of our cars before buying it. I lock the door before using my key to unlock the front door. I can still smell the paint chemicals as I walk inside, taking my shoes off by the door. It was getting kind of late already and I wanted to sleep ready for tomorrow. "It's already unlocked Skeppy" I turn around to see Bad and Skeppy walk in and I greet them both with a hug. "Dream! Isn't this cool" Bad smiles as he and Skeppy take their shoes off.

"It is, I can't wait to see what happens next but for now I'm shattered" I laugh. "Yeah same here, come on Bad let's find our room" Skeppy responds. "Goodnight you two" I call out as they make their way to the stairs. "Night"

"Ow what the fuck let me do it" "No you bitch I want to do it" "Hurry up already" "Oi fuck off" The four of them stumble their way into the house. "What the hell man I was going to do it" Sapnap complains. "I still opened the door first, it was already unlocked idiot" George smiles back. "I'm so tired I can't do this right now" Karl complains, giving me a tired smile. "Hi Dream, is everyone here?" He asks. "Yeah everyone's here" I smile back, looking over at George who gives me a small smile before looking away. They take their shoes off by the door before walking further into the house.

"Come on I want to go exploring tomorrow and I need the energy" Karl practically begs. "Fine- fine let's go to bed, see you bitches in the morning" Sapnap says as he follows Karl up the stairs, Quackity trailing behind them half asleep. George walks up to me, delicately taking my hand and pulling me with him. "I want to see our room" he says as we go upstairs. Our room was the furthest from all of the offices lined up. We walk inside to a king sized bed, fresh sheets and our clothes neatly folded away. We had a tv, bed stands and a wardrobe. I guess this really was the life of a millionaire.

We made the 3 rooms attached to a bathroom the bedrooms, leaving the remaining 7 rooms to be made into our offices. George flops down on the bed as I close the door behind us, he looked happy which was enough for me to be too. "I've missed you" He says as I turn the light off, finding my way back over to him. "I've missed you too" I say as I get under the covers, helping him under it before discarding most of my clothes on the floor. His head falls onto my chest, cuddling into me as his arms wrap around my torso. "Get some sleep, we can hang out as much as you want in the morning" I say as I kiss the top of his head, putting my arms protectively around him.

With my hand in his hair it doesn't take long for his breathing to even out with every rise and fall of my chest. It felt good to be back in his presence, especially when it was the start to a whole new chapter of our lives, and I couldn't wait to get started. We were finally getting to live the life we've always wanted and I was going to make sure George got spoilt rotten. He deserves it.

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