Chapter 70: Detective Jack and Wilbur

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George POV

I pick up my phone, pressing on Wilbur's contact and typing a message.

George: Hey Wilbur, You got a moment to talk?

After a couple moments I get a response.

Wilbur: Yeah of course, what's up?

George: I was hoping you and Jack could help me with something

Wilbur: Jack Manifold?

George: Yeah, is his number still the same?

Wilbur: I believe so but I haven't spoken to him in a while

George: I'll make a group chat

Wilbur: What did you need our help with anyway?

George: I made a group, talk on there

I open the group i just made and type out a message.

George: Jack you there?

Jack: George?

George: Sorry to spring on you like this

Jack: No it's no problem at all

Wilbur: George wants our help with something

Jack: What with?

George: I need to find someone, you guys are the best people I know that can help me

Wilbur: Who?

George: His name is Ranboo, he's tall and had brown hair, he also has one red and one green eye

Jack: Anything else?

George: He doesn't have a family, so he's either homeless or at an orphanage

Wilbur: I know your in Miami right now but Jack and I could meet and try see what we find?

George: Call me if you find anything

Jack: Sounds good, I'm with Niki and Fundy right now but I can come to your house tomorrow?

Wilbur: Yeah

George: Thanks for doing this

Jack: It's no problem, anything to help you

Wilbur: Talk soon Gogy

George: Bye

I close my phone, looking around for Dream before hearing the sound of the shower.

I lift up the bottom half of my hoodie and look at the hickeys, remembering the events of last night.

I didn't want to keep secrets from him but I also didn't know how to tell him everything on my mind.

Whether I wanted to admit it or not I was still in danger, no matter how far from home I was.

I wanted the others to feel like the old George still exists, and he does, but I don't feel like him.

My skin crawls and my brain spins, the simplest object or thought could bring me a flashback.

I'm always scared that one day I'll wake up and I'll be back there.

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